١٨ تشرين الثاني نوفمبر ٢٠٢٠ ٠٤:٣٠

The Amazing Bitcoin | Straight To 20K! What To Say? 

Bitcoin / U.S. dollarBitstamp


The amazing Bitcoin continues to move straight to 20K... Not really much more to say.

Our altcoins, the smaller altcoins and some of the bigger ones as well, also continue to move higher, following Bitcoin on this day.

How high can it really go?

When we looked at Bitcoin weekly a few weeks back, we mentioned $30,000 after $17500...

Daily we are now aiming at $19600-$20,000... But monthly and weekly we are aiming much, much higher... What's your take?

Share with us in the comments section below.

Enjoy the profits...
Be patient...
There is room for so much more.



Bitcoin might have found a local peak...


It is still early, but this big Doji says that the market is becoming indecisive...


Ethereum Second Round Of Bearish Signals
By the way, I was wondering if anyone cares to explain how they are shocked by Bitcoin’s trajectory... Is it failure to grasp BTC positioning itself as an unofficial reserve currency? Or maybe a lack of recognizing a public’s hunger to invest in an opportunity that is all but a sure thing, potentially providing them with a little relief, in planning for retirement, a future,or just some extra disposable income? Or could it be not recognizing how many countries would love to see something other than US Dollar function as the worlds reserve currency, one less susceptible to manipulation, and that without borders, that transfers near free of cost and instantly? Of perhaps Corporations hedging against local currency manipulation?
What is it that surprises anyone honestly?
@johnmcal3, You have some of the best questions...
@johnmcal3, The impact of gov't regulation in Hong Kong is reported to have negative consequences on the cryptosphere. Will other countries who feel threatened by Bitcoin and other digital assets consider following China's lead to further restrict or make illegal these alternative currencies?
@leroyessel0, They will but it won't really hurt Bitcoin or Crypto, it will only hurt their own economies.

Cryptocurrency is now inevitable.

It was ok to doubt 9, 7, 5, 3 years ago... But today, we have to take reality for what it is and accept that cryptocurrency is going to stay with us.
40000 of it hits 20000, let me not be vague, here we come 40000
@johnmcal3, Because it is just too good to be true scenario for many and that's when the doubt comes up.

I know I am very hesitant to believe seeing it ultra-positive but only because in the end that is what I really want.

People tend to doubt the things they want... But we will surely see incredible prices for Bitcoin if not this year, next year, and the years to come.

Thanks a lot for your comments.

@alanmasters, your appreciation, and further, your understanding, mean the world to me. It is rare to pass a kindred spirit, that like you, lives life with understanding and intention.
And I appreciate your insight, as to why some are struggling to see what’s in front of them,fear of not getting what we want most... indeed is of the most powerful forces.
Sometimes I forget that we are all humans, oh too human :)
I am of the view that Bitcoin provides the most accurate reflection and gauge that society is currently privileged to, that illuminates
the human-condition’s most pressing and age old dilemma’s, revolving around resources and individual autonomy. And that Bitcoin is facilitating, a peaceful, rather than violent transition, from the centralization of personal finance and our lives dictated accordingly, to the decentralized empowerment of personal autonomy, by way of finance.
I will look forward to your posts as always, feel free to say Hi anytime.

@johnmcal3, I will for sure...

Thanks a lot for your comments.

Wishing you the best, always.

@johnmcal3, 38k ;)
@fayzondoe, We’ll have to see about that ;)