8:00PM EST

At current rate of acceleration, total Federal Government Public Debt will double by April 2023 (4.5 years from today) and then double again by October 2026, just 3.5 years later. By January 2028, total federal government debt will have doubled again in an even shorter time where it will hit a red line - having gone gone fully vertical - doubling every month, week, then day.

Obviously this is impossible, and likely there will be major economic consequence before this date.

The data does not lie. The world is in serious trouble with the most massive debt bubble to have ever existed. The consequence of this debt bubble is yet to be seen, however, terms such as, “The Great Reset,” amongst others come to mind.

It is difficult to fathom the consequence of this bubble, however, we would like to believe that there is a recovery strategy on the horizon. One thing is certain, the path is on track to a 2028 or sooner GLOBAL DEBT MELTDOWN and perhaps the end of modern day finance as we know it.


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