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Interface: SingleBrokerMetaInfo




configFlags: BrokerConfigFlags

Broker Configuration Flags


Optional customNotificationFields: string[]

Optional field. You can use it if you have custom fields in orders or positions that should be taken into account when showing notifications.


if you have field additionalType in orders and you want the chart to show a notification when it is changed, you should set:

customNotificationFields: ['additionalType']


Optional customUI: BrokerCustomUI

This optional field can be used to replace the standard Order Ticket and the Add Protection dialogs with your own. Values of the following two fields are functions that are called by the Trading Platform to show the dialogs. Each function shows a dialog and returns a Promise object that should be resolved when the operation is finished or cancelled.

NOTE: The returned Promise object should be resolved with either true or false value.


customUI: {
showOrderDialog?: (order: Order, focus?: OrderTicketFocusControl) => Promise<boolean>;
showPositionDialog?: (position: Position | Trade, brackets: Brackets, focus?: OrderTicketFocusControl) => Promise<boolean>;
showCancelOrderDialog?: (order: Order) => Promise<boolean>;
showClosePositionDialog?: (position: Position) => Promise<boolean>;


Optional durations: OrderDurationMetaInfo[]

List of expiration options of orders. It is optional. Do not set it if you don't want the durations to be displayed in Order Ticket.

The objects have the following keys: { name, value, hasDatePicker?, hasTimePicker?, default?, supportedOrderTypes? }.


Optional orderRules: OrderRule[]

Order Rules


Optional positionDialogOptions: PositionDialogOptions

Dialog options for Positions (order type)