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Interface: AccountManagerInfo


The information object that is used to build the Account Manager.



accountTitle: string

Name of the broker


Optional customFormatters: CustomTableElementFormatter<TableFormatterInputValues>[]

An optional array for defining custom formatters. Each formatter description is an object with the following fields:

  • name (FormatterName): Unique formatter name.

  • formatText (TableFormatTextFunction): Function that is used for formatting a cell value to a string. The formatText field is required because it is used to generate exported data. You can return an empty string if you do not need this function.

  • formatElement (CustomTableFormatElementFunction | undefined): Optional function that is used for formatting a cell value to a string or an HTML element.

If the formatElement function is provided, it only handles the formatting of displayed values. Otherwise the formatText function is used. For optimal performance, it is recommended to only use formatText if you intend to display only string values.


name: 'closeButton' as FormatterName, // Typecast to FormatterName. Use constant in real code
formatText: () => '', // Returns an empty string because we don't need to display this in the exported data
formatElement: ({ values: [id] }: TableFormatterInputs<[id: string]>) => {
const button = document.createElement('button');

button.innerText = 'Close';

button.addEventListener('click', () => {


return button;


Optional historyColumns: AccountManagerColumn[]

An array of data objects that create columns for the History page where all orders from previous sessions are shown. Note that this page is only shown if you set the BrokerConfigFlags.supportOrdersHistory to true and implement the IBrokerTerminal.ordersHistory method.


Optional historyColumnsSorting: SortingParameters

Optional sorting of the table on the History page.


Optional individualPositionColumns: AccountManagerColumn[]

You can display any field of an IndividualPosition or add your own fields to an individualPosition object and display them.


Optional marginUsed: IWatchedValue<number>

Margin used


orderColumns: OrderTableColumn[]

An array of data objects that create columns for the Orders page. You can display any field of an Order or add your own fields to an order object and display them.


Optional orderColumnsSorting: SortingParameters

Optional sorting of the orders table.


pages: AccountManagerPage[]

Adds custom pages to the Account Manager. Each page is a set of tables.


Optional positionColumns: AccountManagerColumn[]

An array of data objects that create columns for the Positions page. You can display any field of a Position or add your own fields to a position object and display them.


Optional possibleOrderStatuses: OrderStatus[]

Optional list of statuses to be used in the orders filter. Default list is used if it hasn't been set.


summary: AccountManagerSummaryField[]

Custom fields that are always displayed at the top-right corner of the Account Manager. Refer to the Account Summary row section for more information.



contextMenuActions(contextMenuEvent, activePageActions): Promise<ActionMetaInfo[]>

Optional function to create a custom context menu.


contextMenuEventMouseEvent | TouchEventMouseEvent or TouchEvent object passed by a browser
activePageActionsActionMetaInfo[]array of ActionMetaInfo items for the current page



Promise that is resolved with an array of ActionMetaInfo