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Interface: ContextMenuOptions

Charting Library.ContextMenuOptions

Use this interface to override the context menu.



Optional items_processor: ContextMenuItemsProcessor

Provide this function if you want to change the set of actions being displayed in the context menu.

You can filter out, add yours and re-order items.

The library will call your function each time it wants to display a context menu and will provide a list of items to display. This function should return an array of items to display.


context_menu: {
items_processor: function(items, actionsFactory, params) {
console.log(`Menu name is: ${params.menuName}`);
const newItem = actionsFactory.createAction({
actionId: 'hello-world',
label: 'Say Hello',
onExecute: function() {
alert('Hello World');
return Promise.resolve(items);


Optional renderer_factory: ContextMenuRendererFactory

Provide this function to override the default renderer for context menu so you can adjust existing menu items.