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Interface: ContextMenuPosition

Charting Library.ContextMenuPosition



Optional attachToXBy: "auto" | "left" | "right"

Tells what side of the context menu widget should be used to "attach" to a provided x coordinate. If the value is undefined, then you may treat it based on whether it is rtl or not (e.g. 'right' for rtl and 'left' otherwise). The value 'auto' behaves as undefined but additionally checks if there is enough space to place the menu and if it's not then the result value is inverted.


Optional attachToYBy: "auto" | "top" | "bottom" | "auto-strict"

Tells what side of the context menu widget should be used to "attach" to a provided y coordinate:

  • 'auto' means similar to 'top' but the menu could be expanded above the coordinate if needed (if there is no enough space to place it below)
  • 'auto-strict' means 'top' if the whole menu fits the space below the coordinate and 'bottom' otherwise (see box)
  • 'top' means that the menu should be placed to the bottom of y coordinate (the menu should be attached by its bottom to y coordinate)
  • 'bottom' means that the menu should be placed above y coordinate (the menu should be attached by its top to y coordinate)

You may treat undefined as 'auto'.


Optional box: Object

The optional structure that helps to more accurate calculate a position of the menu (see attachToYBy).

Type declaration

hnumbermenu height
overlapX?booleanx coordinate overlaps
wnumbermenu width
xnumbermenu x coordinate
ynumbermenu y coordinate


clientX: number

X (horizontal) coordinate (in pixels) at which the mouse event occurred, relative to the left edge of the applications viewport.


clientY: number

Y (vertical) coordinate (in pixels) at which the mouse event occurred, relative to the left edge of the applications viewport.


Optional marginX: number

Additional horizontal margin.


Optional marginY: number

Additional vertical margin.


Optional touches: readonly { clientX: number ; clientY: number }[]

Touch positions