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Interface: CustomTimezoneInfo

Charting Library.CustomTimezoneInfo




alias: TimezoneId | `Etc/GMT-${number}` | `Etc/GMT-${number}:${number}` | `Etc/GMT+${number}` | `Etc/GMT+${number}:${number}`

Timezone identifier (TimezoneId) to which this custom timezone should be mapped to. This must be a timezone supported by library.

Additionally, you can specify a Etc/GMT timezone id. In order to conform with the POSIX style, those zone names beginning with "Etc/GMT" have their sign reversed from the standard ISO 8601 convention. In the "Etc" area, zones west of GMT have a positive sign and those east have a negative sign in their name (e.g "Etc/GMT-14" is 14 hours ahead of GMT).


title: string

Display name for the timezone