STD/Clutter-Filtered, Variety FIR Filters is a FIR filter explorer. The following FIR Digital Filters are included. Rectangular - simple moving average Hanning Hamming Blackman Blackman/Harris Linear weighted Triangular There are 10s of windowing functions like the ones listed above. This indicator will be updated over time as I create more...
Introduction The concept of windowing was briefly introduced in the Blackman filter post, however windowing is more than just some window functions, and isn't exclusively used in filter design. Today we will use windowing with the volume weighted moving average, a moving average that weight the price with volume in order to be more reactive when volume is high,...
Introduction Who doesn't like smooth things? I'd like a smooth market price for christmas! But i can't get it, instead its so you apply a filter to smooth it, such filters are called low-pass filters, they smooth and its great but they have lag, so nobody really use them, but they are pretty to look at. Its on a childish note that i will introduce...