Measures the deviation of price metrics between various exchanges. It's a kind of realized volatility indicator, as the idea is that in times of high volatility (high emotions, fear, uncertainty), it's more likely that market inefficiencies will appear for the same asset between different market makers, ie, the price can temporarily differ a lot. This indicator...
Variety N-Tuple Moving Averages w/ Variety Stepping is a moving average indicator that allows you to create 1- 30 tuple moving average types; i.e., Double-MA, Triple-MA, Quadruple-MA, Quintuple-MA, ... N-tuple-MA. This version contains 2 different moving average types. For example, using "50" as the depth will give you Quinquagintuple Moving Average. If you'd...
Hi There This is a Trend-Indicator based on Pivot highs and Pivot lows from different forward-backward lenghts. As Mohamed3nan is only looking at one timeframe, here is a mtf-version of that How to use? This indicator should basically work in each timeframe. Green is Bullmode, Red is Bearmode try to find a "IN Trend" setup or go directly in on the switch of...
A complimentary indicator to my Adaptive MA constructor. It calculates the difference between the two MA lines (inspired by the Moving Average Difference (MAD) indicator by John F. Ehlers). You can then further smooth the resulting curve. The parameters and options are explained here: The difference is normalized by dividing the difference by twice its Root mean...
The Moving Average Difference Hann Indicator was created by John Ehlers (Stocks and Commodities Nov 2021) and this is an improved variation of his Moving Average Difference Indicator that uses smoothing from his Hann Windowing Indicator to provide smoother buy and sell signals. As for how this indicator works it is an improved version of the classic MACD...
The other way to build bands around price that uses Mean Absolute Deviation instead of Standard Deviation. MAD is also a measure of variability, but less frequently used. MAD is better for use with distributions other than the Gaussian. MAD is always less than or equal to Standard Deviation and the resulting bands are more tighter for the same parameters if we...
Hello traders and developers! I was wondering how built-in "dev" function in Pine is calculated so I made a little research. I examined 7 samples: 0) "dev" function itself 1) "dev" according to its description: series - sma(series) 2) Mean Absolute Deviation 3) ratio of the absolute difference from 1) divided by period 4) ratio of the difference from 1)...
Hampel Filter script. This indicator was originally developed by Frank Rudolf Hampel (Journal of the American Statistical Association, 69, 382–393, 1974: The influence curve and its role in robust estimation). The Hampel filter is a simple but effective filter to find outliers and to remove them from data. It performs better than a median filter.
Description: MAD stands for Moving Average Delta, it calculates the difference between moving average and price. The curve shows the difference in Pips. By calculating the delta between two points we can see more small changes in the direction of the moving average curve which are normally hard to see. You can see the MAD curve as look through the microscope at a...
BUY & SELL PRICE TO VOLUME PRESSURE By Ricardo M Arjona @XeL_Arjona DISCLAIMER: The Following indicator/code IS NOT intended to be a formal investment advice or recommendation by the author, nor should be construed as such. Users will be fully responsible by their use regarding their own trading vehicles/assets. The embedded code and ideas within this...
BUY & SELL PRICE TO VOLUME PRESSURE By Ricardo M Arjona @XeL_Arjona DISCLAIMER: The Following indicator/code IS NOT intended to be a formal investment advice or recommendation by the author, nor should be construed as such. Users will be fully responsible by their use regarding their own trading vehicles/assets. The embedded code and ideas within this...