The vast majority of people live in a home and work in a building – so yes, we reckon the construction industry is always going to be a pillar of the financial markets. So why not build a bit of your portfolio with the best the sector has to offer? These stocks certainly have the solid base for it.
This list includes US-listed building consultants, engineers, contracting agents and mechanical engineering stocks involved in the US construction industry, each with a minimum market cap of 1bn. But don't rely on us. Make sure to always check the foundations properly before building your portfolio on any of the assets listed here.
لا توجد أخبار اليوم
يبدو أنه لا توجد معلومات حتى الآن عن آخر الأحداث العالمية
لا شيء يماثل العقارات كأصول ملموسة، لذلك، فصناديق الاستثمار العقارية هي الأمثل. للاستفادة من أداء هذا القطاع، يحب بعض المستثمرين الاستثمار في صناديق الاستثمار العقاري (REITs).