Strong support around .000498 levels. Safe place to long or enter the market. With the BTC halving approaching in April, be prepared for a nice market correction around the 50-52K BTC levels. Keep in mind the top two holders of Ladycoin is Bybit and captured 13M out of the 40M market cap that Ladycoin has at the date I am writing this 2/12/24. Bybit is holding about 9.03M of that total mkt cap.

Be prepared for profit taking at the 0.0017ish levels. where that big candle came in on 12/10/23.

ETA on skyrocket for Ladycoin should be July-Oct 2024. That analysis is based on the time it takes for BTC to make new ATHs after the halving which is usually 6-12 months but I believe we will be fast tracked this cycle around due to the ETF that has been launched.

Addresses listed below for confirmation

0xf3B0073E3a7F74C7A38B36B805247B222C302A3 =
0xf89d7b9c864f589bb-F53a82105107622B35EaA40 = Bybit
BTChalving2024ladymemecoinTrend Analysis

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