Apple Inc

Apple Inc -AAPL -Daily - Time At Mode Analyis says "sideways"

By timwest
Apple has been trending very well the entire way up in this rally. Lately, however, the market is waiting for sales from the new iPhone6, which goes on sale today 9/19/2014.

Because the market is holding here, waiting for news, the chart is also telling us that buyers are laying in wait down at the 14-day time zone at 95+ which I have labeled "BUYERS".

On the sell side, sellers are laying in wait at the 103-104 where I have labeled "SELLERS". AAPL should have returned back to the high.

I think the way this chart resolves itself is to move back and forth between the two levels a couple of times.

Tim 9/19/2014 10:07AM EST 101.69.

SS 101.69 - target 96.
BUY @ 96 - target 102.
SS @ 102 - target 96.

If all three are winners without more than $2 in pain from any trade entry, then what will be my prize??
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