Ive taken the liberty to record the top three competitors and their profits year/year
For year 2019
ACB= (+267%)
TLRY= (-6.5%)
CGC= (+19%)
For year 2020
ACB= (-120.9%)
TLRY= (+204%)
CGC= (-135.6%)
Analyzing the hit in profits from 2019-2020 one can make the estimate that when pairing it with data from their current assets in 2019 (5,502,830) then dropping to (2,783,695) in 2020 you can do the research and realize they have invested into a state of the art 800k square foot hybrid grow space with another 1 million plus square foot grow space on the way, this large project is not yet listed under current assets and are a liability to the company, but not for long and I am predicting ACB to capture the MJ market about at a rate of 3 sales for each one sale a competitor makes based on product quality alone. I want to see 2021's year over year shrink down to less than a negative -50% profit loss to appease investors.