ADX - Buy signal

تم تحديثه
Green shaded areas are good areas to buy ( 0.00008880 - 0.00008300 ).

The trend line must be broken in blue to go to targets ( 0.00010000 - 0.00011370 - 0.00013000 ).

Stop Loss : If support ( 0.00008000 ) is broken by closing a daily candle below it.
Target 1 done

It reached 10500 !

18 % Profit !
Target 1, 2 , 3 done

46 % Profit !
The signal sent at the price 0.00008880

In Binance l reached the 0.00024000 ( 170 % Profit )
Support and ResistanceTrend AnalysisTrend Lines

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