MSA Indicator is based on the Market Statistical Arbitrage Model ( MSA Model) that is developed from a group of quantitative algorithmic investment strategies aimed at exploiting the relative price moment over varying time frame. The MSA Model generate robust indicators, are based on the well-established financial principles of mean reversal and divergence in trends. The MSA model has enough leverage and adaptability for all segments of Financial Market (Equity, Indices, Forex, Commodity, Cryptos) and various category of investors based on their individual risk-taking capability and profile.
The SA Value generated through the MSA Model developed by in-house research team of a family of well-established Professionals from the field of Financial Markets, Science, Engineering and IT Applications at InvestSystemic.
The MSA Model indicators suggests over bought and over sold conditions of the market. The SA Value ranges from POSITIVE (over bought, if above 17.50) to NEGATIVE (over sold, if below -17.50).