Telecom sector has been a rough road...
- a flurry of new entrants increasing competition keeping prices in control
- sudden change in spectrum allocation policy increasing the cost multi-fold
- a new big giant entrant with different pricing model and luring many away from existing players
- impacting revenues negatively per user
- Some are done and dusted...
- Some on the verge of dying...
But this is the chart of long time industry leader...
and has been able to withstand the rough weather
- Yo yo ing in 100 point range
- doing well so far in managing Change...
So has the dust settled or pain will increase as time goes by...
Difficult for me to say or try to justify
The chart is saying short me if you can...
I'm near the channel resistance line...
330-340 is the target zone boss
But if it goes & sustains above 385 consider it Stop Loss
This is not an intra-day but a positional view
Do your trading style review
Understand the risk:reward potential
& Plan your trade accordingly
Take care & safe trading...!!!