, [06.06.21 00:30]
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This is Trading,
The green days passed and red days have come, it's a cycle, nothing can still the same forever.
But the question is do you have a plan for these red, as was your hope in green days, which make you planned and builds many dreams!!
Did you prepare yourself from green days to survive, and safely pass the red days?! if you did that, then you have nothing to worry about.
What we did?!
we are ready for that for a long time, we save our ammo for this fight, we try to avoid the loss as we can, we want to be this surviving until storm pass, then start again
What's our ammo in this fight?!
it`s capital, risk management, if you want to be this survivor, be sure you learn how to setup your risk management plan, check risk/reward before you take a real step, set your plan to win this fight. if you did that, then welcome to the real trader's community!
The main thing you need to know you can't survivor here without risk management,
"The trading is like a battle, and your ammo in this battle is your money",
so if you wasted your ammo without management, you will lose the battle, or you will get killed"so stay safe, by following risk management.
There are some people who want to earn $1000 through trading by $100 for that they ignore risk management, then they lose their money!! lose everything, most of them go to leverage (money holocaust)
You have to know that the market is about ratio and proportionality!!
So, if you earned $10 with $100 trading capital this is a good thing, and if you turned $100 to $200, with risk management, this called trader, until you kept a fixed ratio of profit, in this time you deserve to call yourself a trader (Pro Trader)
for sure, this can`t happen overnight, so you need to train yourself and mental preparation, etc, and with this, you will make a profit with us or alone if you learned how to do that, now know how trading works and why risk management is important.
Good luck to all.
🙏we ask Allah reconcile and repay🙏