Are people ingoring the significance of Bakkt?
How about the ETF?
Are people ignoring that on log-scale and normal scale, Bitcoin is technically in a MASSIVE multi-month bull flag?
Are people ignoring the log-scale falling wedge on purpose to deceive you by calling it a descending triangle?
Are people ignoring the fact that on February 5th, 2018, Bitcoin saw it's highest daily buy volume to be seen in years?
Are people ignoring the fact that on February 5th, 2018, the Dow Jones Index saw it's highest point-loss in HISTORY?
Are people ignoring the coincidental fact that we are now at the apex of the meme triangle in Bitcoin, and we're seeing the start of a potentially catastrophic correction in US markets?
Are people ignoring the fact that professional investors make peanuts in the Stock Market compared to what they *could* and *do* make in Crypto?
Are people ignoring the fact that many high-end alts have seen 90%+ corrections? WHY is that?
Are people ignoring the fact that Bitcoin futures have been closing consistently higher lows?
Are people ignoring the fact that Bitcoin's MACD has shown bullish divergence for the entire YEAR?
Are people ignoring the fact that there has been massive hidden buy orders at $6k, multiple times?
Have you people paid attention to the bot orders that suppress prices?
Have you people even heard of, or researched 'Spoofy'?
Have you people ever heard of buying/selling the order-book, and filling it with their orders? Why they do it?
Do you understand how professional-level investing works? (Buy oversold, sell overbought)
Do you understand that the US stock markets were recently all overbought?
Do you understand that the Dow Jones Index recently hit the highest overbought level in HISTORY?
What about the massive bearish divergence that proceeded it, and the effects it'll have in coming months?
What about the Tether FUD, could that have been mass reaccumulation? If so, the most expensive possible Bitcoin they could've bought is almost $8k. In the coming years, that'll be a steal if you think about the logistics.
Pretty coincidental timing too, eh?
To be clear, this is not a bullish post. We could go sideways for some time.
We could even dump. HARD.
Either way, something HUGE is coming, and a lot sooner than most expect.
Let me know what you think in the comments.