Instability in the financial market now has a negative impact on Crypto due to liquidity squeeze due to the curtailment of QE programs by the US Federal Reserve. I believe that the connection between the markets will soon break off sharply, as in the focus will be the growth of global inflation of a small number of instruments to protect against turbulence in the Financial Markets. On the Crypto market, there is objective and fundamental support - the growth of the cost of mining caused by the proximity of the threshold of the complication of calculations, the increase in the cost of electricity. I also think that the medium-term Crypto market will gradually return the given heights of previous periods and the main driver, strangely enough, will become the giants of the IT industry who will need ad blocking to promote and polarize their projects. In my opinion, the recent actions of major players with Wall Steet as the purchase of infrastructure creation etf etc. can lead only to one result - the increase in the cost of tokens. In this situation, I recommend being in the same boat with the big guys.