For those of us in the financial markets, the power of the chart and price quotes cannot be overstated. It's fascinating to see how they control everything from the news background and sentiment to market activity and actions. In fact, at times, it almost feels like the chart rules the world. This is why understanding that the chart is primary is critical to succeeding in our challenging industry.
The methods used to manage market participants through the chart have all the hallmarks of unstructured, indirect management. While nobody explicitly tells them what to do, quotes can generate such emotional responses that most market makers end up performing the actions they need. It's amusing to hear some people talk about supposed influencers who are given misinformation to disseminate. It's clear that these people don't grasp the fundamentals of general management theory and full-cycle management. While these aspects are only slightly described for other processes, they are still highly relevant, and they work on any level, from a small group to a city or even beyond.
Managing a crypto market, like any other, requires only the volume that can move that market. Everything else will come at a price.
Lastly, it's essential to remember that any news can be interpreted up or down. It's the chart that determines whether the interpretation is rising or falling. Therefore, for anyone in the financial markets, understanding the significance of the chart is crucial.
Best regards EXCAVO