BTC & ETH still showing bullish signs, Learning the BARR Bottom

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The BARR Bottom is one of the most reliable Chart Patterns out there and signifies a fast moving reversal after a strong sell off.

The price has a small lead in phase referred to as the "bump" then a strong sell off, which leads into a almost hook shaped or J shaped reversal upwards, the price should create a downwards sloping angle of 30-50 degrees, this pattern usually precedes fast moving bullish trends, and the mirror of the pattern the Bump & Run Top (BARR TOP) usually precedes fast moving bear trends.

The appearance of this pattern gives us a sign that there is strong buying momentum

• The “bump” (first phase) is usually rounded or choppy in appearance

• Look for extreme downwards movement followed by sharp retrace (”run”)

• Usually at a steep angle with huge volume

• Almost exact in appearance of the image provided

Until we get a confirmed close underneath the support below, it is probable that Bitcoin & Ethereum both push towards the top of the Structure for a potential breakout.

More Examples are linked below and here:
Barr Bottom Pattern on ETH.

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So far going to plan, If we hold the current support more upside is possible here

After completing the first, we have the same pattern appearing again on the charts.
barrbotbarrbottomBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCbumpandrunbottombumpandrunreversalChart PatternsETHEthereum (Cryptocurrency)Trend Analysisxbt

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