
CoalIndia in the process of forming a inverted HnS with neckline around 148. Stock is a good buy near 120-125 on dips or on breakout above 148. Ideally one should wait for the price structure to confirm the trade than preempting it.
Disclaimer: Objective of posts is to educate and help members learn technical analysis, from my personal trade picks. All these stock ideas or trade updates are for educational purpose only and completely non-advisory in nature. I am not a SEBI registered analyst and strongly recommend people not to trade in NSE / BSE / MCX market basis the posted trade ideas. These stock ideas or views are momentum picks chosen using technical analysis and indicators and for my own trading purpose only. Technical indicators are lagging and may generate false buy/sell signals. Market is supreme and my views may go horribly wrong. Please don't consider these trade ideas as trading recommendations. You may consider it for learning or at max use it for paper trading. Strictly avoid it for trading using real money. I am not responsible for any kind of profit and losses or SEBI audits arising out of the above calls. Stock market trading and investment is subject to market risks. Contact your financial advisor before taking trades (or trade at your own risk).

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