DOGEUSD coin Gann Analysis daily chart important low around Gann level of 0.081000. Actual low came in at 0.08071 on 05 August 2024 on Gann Mid Seasonal date. We have moved up one cycle to 0.10500 and a little higher. Actual high came in at 0.11518 on 23 August 2024. Important low on this bitcoin came on 10 June 2023 at 0.05452. We saw an important high at 0.22851 on 28 March 2024. gann level to watch was 0.23100 which marked a growth of 7 times as Gann Price Cycle on it. 7 is a master number in Gann Theory after 3. This was 42 weeks rise on the coin an important time period in Gann Theory. Next critical period was ending on 24 August 2024. Currently we have formed a low on 05 August 2024 which has corrected the growth by 6 times on downside. On upside we need to watch the level of 0.10913 for further growth. On downside we need to watch the level of 0.10288 for further decay. In between we are rangebound.
Happy Trading !!!

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