While I'm not an hyper fan of H&S pattern but this one forming is already so beautiful that I want it to happens to illustrate my futures arguments,
saw a lot of ppl talk about h&s pattern the past days on BTC, the leg would have started on November and bring us to 80k, something like this. Not a pro but I learnt that the pattern has to be kinda well drawn to be called an H&S, forming proper top and lows with proper neckline, and be well timed.
that is/was absolutely not the case for BTC and that why I remain bullish for now (yes, I risk it a bit saying that here and now)
even in the case where BTC goes under 90k, we can't call this an H&S, by respect of all the real H&S out there. That's also why most of the times it looks like ppl fail using this pattern, they use it on everything
BUT in this case for ETH this looking really juicy atm, I don"t have specific target for now I dont think eth will pass above 12K for this year but lets see
Cheers, have a good day