
RSI Divergence: Buy Mar17 110 Puts @ $2.50.

By TradingBandito06
تم تحديثه
FISV's long uptrend was broken in September. Prices have subsequently rallied and are testing previous highs. The RSI has not followed and is showing a divergence. Look to buy Puts when prices break the Keltner Channel.
Play to first profit stop at 34EMAH.
We are still waiting for prices to reach our Keltner Extreme entry @ $113. The RSI divergence is still intact on the weekly chart and the daily chart is completing it's 3 Push Wedge to the previous high.
Good Hunting!
Still waiting on this trade. The daily chart hit the Keltner extreme and was immediately rejected. We will reprice our entry when the Weekly chart is validated.
تم حذف الأمر
I don't like this trade right now due to the available options in June. Limited open interest and high prices, along with the slowness of the developing trade has caused me to cancel this trade. Still looking for better entries.

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