This would've followed my rules, would've been a nice 5R. POI isn't the most prefered, hence the planned aggressive close of the trade.


GOOD/SMART THINGS I DID: I was meaning to take profit early (close at 5R) at put at BE at M5 BOS.

MISTAKE: I moved entry from LTF OB that was chosen orignally, bc i thought price mitigated a liquidity wick instead, but really price was still "pending to mitigate" the OB i was looking to enter.... ending up in entering too early at a lower price, while also getting stopped out...

LET PRICE HIT YOUR LEVEL. ON COUNTER TREND TRADES (espeeciallyyyyyyy) DO NOT, Chase the tradeeeee my guy.

Did I feel hesitation or Niave about the trade?:
HTF View of Counter Trend POI
M15 View of the POI
Trend Analysis

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