GILD has been a great investment and I believe it will continue to be a good company to own long term. The valuation using multiple methods is outstanding compared to it's peers. Fundamentally, the question has been regarding future growth. GILD will have to find new ways to generate future sales growth to replace the expected slower growth from it's hep C blockbusters. Investors are concern GILD could be a value trap. Even with the questions about future growth, this stock seems crazy low compared to it's peers.

From a trader's perspective. Price action is awful and it may stay bearish for awhile. I don't see a favorable long swing trade entry at this time, but this sell off will get over done.

I plan on also evaluating my "investment options". One possible option to consider is a buy-write around $80 - 78. Options are currently selling at discount, so ideally I would like to IV go up to sell them a a premium.


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