Phase 2 of What Is Planned to Become North America’s Largest Fully Integrated Anode Material Production Facility has started, they are in a perfect position to supply the EV industry. Their only holdback if there is one would be the lack of raw materials, but that is going to drive up the price of graphite as well. Secured further investment and are ready to become worlds largest producer of graphite anodes. With ~180 new Gigafactories planned for Construction as of with 2021 over a trillion dollars already invested into this technologies success. 2 kilo tonnes of graphite per year by 2022 @ ~$1,100 metric ton, and then ~42 kilo tonnes @ ~$200,000,000/ye at full capacity Q1 2025, not including inflation of graphite by ~700% over the next 5-10 years. As of 03/13 They report They will be producing the highest grade graphite flake available at a constant +97% flake. I think company has solid growth for the future. Toughts?

EVFundamental AnalysisGRAPHITEGrowthValue

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