
SAP SE ( bullish scenario:

The technical figure Falling Wedge can be found in the daily chart in the German company SAP SE ( SAP SE is a German multinational software company. It develops enterprise software to manage business operations and customer relations. The company is the world's leading enterprise resource planning (ERP) software vendor. SAP is the largest non-American software company by revenue, the world's third-largest publicly traded software company by revenue, and the second largest German company by market capitalization. The Falling Wedge has broken through the resistance line on 23/07/2022, if the price holds above this level, you can have a possible bullish price movement with a forecast for the next 26 days towards 96.90 EUR. Your stop-loss order, according to experts, should be placed at 84.28 EUR if you decide to enter this position.

SAP SE SAP delivered second-quarter 2022 non-IFRS earnings of €0.96 per share down 45% from the year-ago quarter’s levels. The downside was caused by tougher year-over-year comparisons pertaining to contribution from Sapphire Ventures.

Total revenues, on a non-IFRS basis, were €7.517 billion ($8.009 billion), up 13% year over year, driven by strength in cloud business.

However, SAP has lowered full year operating profit guidance due to the €350-million negative impact from the war in Ukraine and expectations of a decline in software licenses revenue. The company now projects non-IFRS operating profit in the range of €7.6-€7.9 billion, indicating a decline of 4-8%. Earlier, the company guided non-IFRS operating profit in the range of €7.8-€8.25 billion, indicating flat to down 5%.

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