SP500 "almost finished with a large wave 1"

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I have not posted a SP500 chart for a while so I thought I would show how its going. So far its following along with my prediction. As you can see, if we do reach 2500, then a 10% market correction would bring it down to the bottom of the large channel trend line. I may try TVIX in June. I am pretty sure we are about to finish a very large Wave 1 of our mega Wave 5. Mega because this wave analysis extends way back to before the 1929 crash. Which was the end of a Mega wave 2. Sorry if you do not like my use of the word Mega.
We are, IMO, working on a mega wave 5. I am not expecting it to top until late 2019 at around the 3000 mark. And you know what comes after 5 mega waves up right. An equally proportional mega ABC correction. If I am correct, then this will be life altering for all of us for many many many years. I hate to think it but, there will probably be a big ass war if everyone is hurting that much.
Zoomed out in the weekly to show you what I mean

SP 500 update
If todays low is the bottom of this hidden micro 4th wave, then my target for the SP500 is 2247 range for a top before we start the correction. I think it will top at the end of the first week of June. Then in typical fashion, we should get a small A down, a small B up, then a very large C down to my yellow target area that should end sometime in early to the middle of July.
SPX (S&P 500 Index)S&P 500 (SPX500)SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) SVXYTVIXUVXYVIX CBOE Volatility IndexXIV

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