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Do not be scared about Donald Trump. Just laugh!

If ever you watch this video, than you will find Donald J. Trump explained in 60 seconds.


If ever people starting to make jokes about "bad guys" or keep their attentions to parody´s like this than it means nothing else that fears are going away. This video was made for advertising only but same time it is a perfect Indicator how people ---> now "see" the 45th U.S. President. And for sure this view is more real than everything Donald Trump and Steve Bannon wants everybody to see or feel about the "greatest" U.S. President ever, Mr. Donald Trump.

This Video was made in 2016 but it is going viral right now.

Feb 01 2017

Trump approval rates are today once more down to historic lows. But more worse for Donald J. Trump are the record high disapproval rates.


Even this page is written in german language scroll down only a bit to the chart where you can see all U.S. Presidents starting by Dwight Eisenhower. This chart is impressive and showing that never before so many U.S. citizens oppose an U.S. President before.

What does this mean? Expect that U.S. Senators and Congressmen or Women starts to oppose Donald Trump if ever they feel, that the majority of voters in theire election circles starting to disapprove about Trump. In the Senat it is only the matter of 2 more Senators to leave the Trump camp to block his politics from the beginning. The mid term election might end 2019 Trumps majority in Congress as well.
It doesn´t matter if this might occur - or not. Donald Trump need to change something in his ongoing "campaign" or he might become a lame duck after a fews days or weeks in office only. Any kind of "change" for him means to become more moderate. This will be the fuel to push stockmarkets again higher. Expect also that Trump needs to fire Steve Bannon to survive (!) in Washington. Trump always keeps an eye on what ever might be left about him in any history book. For sure he don´t want to see himself about four years long every year in a context with protesters all over the world agains him in any history book on the same page.

Feb 01 2017

After 13 consecutive days of something like a "Trump nightmare" expect stockmarkets to return to daily business focused on earning and global growth. Watch the NASDAQ Comp for another unexpected ATH in the next days lead by APPL, FB & TSLA.

FB today: After hours plus 4 USD or 3%. Expect tomorrow a huge break away gap leading the comp higher. invst.ly/36rts
Feb 01 2017

Direct link to the Video "the wall". Watch the number of views rising day by day now.

Feb 02 2017

"Born the hard way": Super Bowl Ads Get Political

This comercial is sending a strong political message: Watch the reacion to this after sundays superbowl.

Quote: Each year Super Bowl ads offer a snapshot of what's going on in the culture.

But this year's Budweiser ad released Tuesday featuring an immigrant's travel to the U.S. became suddenly more topical than Anheuser-Busch executives were probably expecting, released days after President Donald Trump's executive order Friday temporarily banning refugees and nearly all citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries Source: chicagotribune.com/sports/football/ct-nfl-super-bowl-advertising-anheuser-busch-spt-20170131-story.html
Feb 01 2017

Quote: Trump's first days in office spawn dozens of lawsuits

By Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN
Updated 1354 GMT (2154 HKT) February 1, 2017

As of midday Tuesday, Trump has been named in 42 federal lawsuits since his inauguration. By comparison, former President Barack Obama was named in 11 suits during his first 11 days in office -- some of them involving the long-debunked "birther" claims that Obama was not an American citizen.
Here's a look at some of the lawsuits from the opening days of Trump's presidency.
Read more: edition.cnn.com/2017/01/31/us/trump-lawsuits-travel-ban-conflicts-interest/
Feb 01 2017

All what traders needs to know about Donald Trump and the Trump Administration is "in the news". This means nothing else that the markets do not care anymore about this.

Market is discounting rhetoric coming out of Trump administration, trader says
Michelle Fox | @MFoxCNBC
1 Hour Ago

Despite the fears about President Donald Trump's recent protectionist moves, the U.S. stock market appears to be focusing on the positive at the moment, trader Jeff Kilburg told CNBC on Wednesday.

"Right now the market is discounting any rhetoric that comes out of the Trump administration," the founder and CEO of KKM Financial said in an interview with "Closing Bell." "They're counting on the fact that tax reform, infrastructure spending will trump, if you will, the market." Source: cnbc.com/2017/02/01/market-discounting-trump-adminstration-rhetoric-trader-says.html
Februar 02 2017: U.S. Retailers starts to fight back.


Stop the Border Adjustment Tax
Don´t make hard working families pay more on essantiel products

Tell Congress No To The Border Adjustment Tax
Make your voice heard on how this misguided proposal will impact you, your family, and jobs in your local community.

Take Action

Quote: keepamericaaffordable.com/default.aspx
Feb 02 2017: Mexicans not afraid of Trump´s border tax

In avocado country, Mexicans not afraid of Trump tariff threats
Economy37 minutes ago (Feb 02, 2017 02:30PM ET)

By Adriana Barrera

URUAPAN, Mexico (Reuters) - Avocado farmers in the rolling hillsides of Mexico's Michoacan state are not worried for now by U.S. President Donald Trump's threats to tear up a trade deal which could make the favorite snack of Super Bowl viewers more expensive.
Americans will chomp through huge amounts of avocados mashed into guacamole during the Super Bowl on Sunday, and 80 percent of those fruits will come from Mexico’s ever-larger expanse of orchards, thanks to a free market created by the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994.
It is peak season for guacamole, a word that means avocado sauce in Mexico's native Nahuatl language. Some 100,000 tonnes of the green fruit, or 12 percent of annual U.S. demand, will be consumed on Sunday and in the days before and after the New England Patriots game against the Atlanta Falcons, exporters say.
With such market dominance and demand, growers like Adrian Iturbide doubt Trump's eagerness to impose duties on Mexican goods will dent exports. They feel they have little to fear from proposals by the Republican such as a 20 percent blanket tariff on U.S. imports from Mexico, that would affect sales of "green gold" to the northern neighbor.

Quote: investing.com/news/economy-news/in-avocado-country,-mexicans-not-afraid-of-trump-tariff-threats-457561
Feb 03 2017 Trump´s Business slowing down (1)

Maybe Donald Trump doesn´t care about approval rates. But declining revenues he can not argue agaist:

Quote: Nordstrom plans to drop Ivanka Trump's fashion line
Chris Woodyard
9 Hours Ago

Nordstrom will no longer be the place to go for Ivanka Trump fashion.

The upscale department store said Thursday evening that it's no longer going to be carrying the Ivanka Trump label for the new season. While Nordstrom didn't address the reason directly, it indicated in a statement that it isn't selling well.
"We've said all along we make buying decisions based on performance. We've got thousands of brands – more than 2,000 offered on the site alone. Reviewing their merit and making edits is part of the regular rhythm of our business," the statement says.

Feb 03 2017

JWN (Nordstrom) "fired" Ivank Trump: JWN is 1% up.
Jan 03 2017 Trump makes Mexican peso great again

Quote: Trump makes Mexican peso great again; investors see more gains ahead
Forex3 hours ago (Feb 03, 2017 04:28PM ET)

By Dion Rabouin

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Mexico’s peso has improbably been the world’s top-performing currency since Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration, and an increasing number of emerging market fund managers said it could rebound further from its nosedive following the U.S. election. Even before its inauguration comeback, a number of emerging market fund managers were betting that the peso had seen its worst days and was poised to outperform in 2017 along with other Mexican assets.
"We've gone from an outright short late last year to an overweight position relative to the index, just because there’s a lot of bad news priced in," said Jim Barrineau, Schroders' head of emerging markets debt and portfolio manager for its multi-sector bond fund. "The real exchange rate is very, very cheap relative to history, and at this point, the bond yields are competitive with the higher yielding countries in EM." The peso was up 8 percent since Trump's inauguration on Jan. 20 despite his proposal last week of a 20 percent border tax on Mexican imports and the collapse of a scheduled face-to-face meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. The peso also made a technical breakout Friday, rallying through a resistance point at the 20.56 level, around where it closed on Thursday. That level marks a 38.2 percent Fibonacci retracement of its sell-off since the Nov. 8 election.
"Perceiving the 20 percent import tax comment as a starting point for negotiations, the market took some solace because it could have been much higher, say 30 percent or 35 percent," said Gordian Kemen, global head of emerging market fixed income strategy for Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS).
The peso has continued its tear even as Trump has reiterated concerns about the North American Free Trade Agreement, saying on Thursday he would like to speed up talks to either renegotiate or replace the deal. Kemen said investors were relieved Trump did not move to unilaterally withdraw from NAFTA or rule out talks entirely.


And though investors have in the past wagered at their peril that Trump's often extreme rhetoric would not be matched by his real-world actions, many are betting that the current price of Mexico's peso already reflects the worst of any potential U.S. action against the country. Deutsche Bank asset managers said earlier this week they believed the peso had hit a near-term bottom. Similarly, Michael Gomez, PIMCO's head of emerging markets portfolio management, said that while he expects the background to remain noisy, "Mexican assets and the peso specifically already incorporate much of the expected downside risk." UBS strategists recently said in a research note that even the border tax had been 70 percent priced into the peso's value. Source: investing.com/news/forex-news/trump-makes-mexican-peso-great-again
Have a break - just laugh.

Expect A Major Stockmarket Rallye In Europe By Monday
Feb 04 2017: Just watch - just laugh ...

Open this link and click on any flag. A message to Donald Trump. Enjoy ...

Feb 05 2017 Quote: Melissa McCarthy captures Sean Spicer's credibility gap on 'SNL'

No one in President Trump's administration is safe from parody on "Saturday Night Live."

The latest target? White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer.

Frequent "SNL" host Melissa McCarthy made a surprise appearance on NBC's sketch-comedy show this weekend to skewer Spicer's combative tone with the press. Source: money.cnn.com/2017/02/05/media/melissa-mccarthy-sean-spicer-snl/index.html
Feb 08 2017 What ever happens in the White House or the Oval Office. Only Minuts or Hours later you can read anything in the news. This never happened before. Here is the reason why:

Quote: The Fix
The leaks coming out of the Trump White House cast the president as a clueless child

All White Houses leak. Sometimes the leaks are big, sometimes small. But there are always people willing to talk to reporters about the “real” story or about why the chief executive made a mistake in regard to some decision he made.

That said, I've never seen so much leaking so quickly — and with such disdain for the president — as I have in the first six days of Donald Trump's presidency.

Two recent examples:

1. This from the New York Times today on Trump's impulsiveness:

Mr. Trump’s advisers say that his frenzied if admittedly impulsive approach appeals to voters because it shows that he is a man of action. Those complaining about his fixation with fictional voter fraud or crowd counts at his inauguration, in their view, are simply seeking ways to undercut his legitimacy.

Yet some of his own advisers also privately worry about his penchant for picking unnecessary fights and drifting off message. They talk about taking away his telephone or canceling his Twitter account, only to be dismissed by a president intent on keeping his own outlets to the world.

2. This from WaPo on Trump's inauguration crowd estimates:

Trump’s advisers suggested that he could push back in a simple tweet. Thomas J. Barrack Jr., a Trump confidant and the chairman of the Presidential Inaugural Committee, offered to deliver a statement addressing the crowd size.

But Trump was adamant, aides said. Over the objections of his aides and advisers — who urged him to focus on policy and the broader goals of his presidency — the new president issued a decree: He wanted a fiery public response, and he wanted it to come from his press secretary.

Time and again, the image of Trump pushed by his “aides” is one of a clueless child — someone who acts on impulse, disregarding the better advice of people who know better. We know he needs to be managed or else he will say and do stupid things, the message seems to be. We're working on it. And what we know about Trump from his presidential campaign is that some of his top staffers — most notably Kellyanne Conway — often communicated to the boss via the media. What that strategy suggests is that Trump is influenced at least as much — and, in truth, likely more — by reading the sniping of his aides on background (meaning without their names attached) in the news than he is by private conversations. That the best way to reach him, change his mind or otherwise bend his ear is through a public airing of grievances. Trump has shown that his tendency to obsessively consume media — especially cable television — is unchanged in the six days since he has become president. He appears to be making policy decisions via things he watches or reads. (Remember Trump's famous/infamous statement that he got his military information and advice “mostly from the shows.”) At odds with all of this, however, is the fact that Trump is both deeply proud and hugely image-conscious. Having to read and watch allegedly loyal “aides” casting him as a sort of feckless child constantly in need of guidance wouldn't seem to be the sort of thing that would sit well with him.

Read more: washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/01/26/the-leaks-coming-out-the-trump-white-house-cast-the-boss-as-a-clueless-child/?utm_term=.8c00331214f9
Feb 08 2017 If you want to learn, how "alternative facts" might end watch this video if you open this link. Kellyanne Conway is debunking there own "alternative facts".


Jake Tapper spars with Kellyanne Conway over WH falsehoods

Washington (CNN)Top White House adviser Kellyanne Conway has apologized for citing a fake "massacre" in support of Donald Trump's travel ban, in an interview on CNN in which she acknowledged that not all of the mainstream media can fairly be characterized as "fake news".
Conway said "regretted tremendously" shaming the press for not covering the "Bowling Green massacre", an event that did not happen, when she was defending Trump's immigration crackdown.
Feb 08 2017: Game Changer: Donald Trump is - probably - going "to fire" Sean Spicer. Expect that he is going to fire Kellyanne Conway next and finally Steve Bannon. You did not believe in any "Trump Holliday"? Be prepared - it´s comming soon and once more the majority of traders - even retail of pro´s - get caught on the wrong foot (the same what we say in our german language as well)

Quote: White House ramping up search for communications director after Spicer's rocky start

By Jim Acosta, CNN Senior White House Correspondent

Updated 0502 GMT (1302 HKT) February 8, 2017
sean spicer dana bash _00030115

Washington (CNN)The White House is ramping up its search for a new communications director in an effort to lighten the load of embattled White House press secretary Sean Spicer, multiple sources told CNN.
A source familiar with internal communications said President Donald Trump is disappointed in Spicer's performance during the first two weeks of the administration.

Spicer has served as both White House press secretary and communications director for the new administration. Those roles are typically filled by two staffers.
Former Trump transition spokesman Jason Miller was originally tapped to serve as communications director for the White House, but Miller stepped aside before Inauguration Day to spend more time with his family.
A longtime Republican operative, Spicer is a close ally of White House chief of staff Reince Priebus. According to the source close to the hiring process, Trump is upset with Priebus over the selection of Spicer for arguably the administration's most visible position, next to the President.

Source: edition.cnn.com/2017/02/07/politics/sean-spicer-white-house-communications/index.html
Feb 08 2017: Trump is bashing Nordstrom and guess what: The Stock is 3% (!) up.

What does this mean? If ever U.S. Senators and Lawmaker realize that theire onw "Market Value" is up if ever they oppose Donald Trump than Trumps presedentcy is over bevor the first 100 days are over: Trump is going to loose the majority in the House and Senate. Trump needs to change something and he need to do this now. This time Donald Trump uses the POTUS twitter account.

Quote: Trump: Nordstrom treated Ivanka 'so unfairly;' shares react

NEW YORK (AP) — Nordstrom shares took a brief tumble Wednesday after President Donald Trump tweeted that the department store chain that decided to stop selling Ivanka Trump's clothing and accessory line had treated his daughter "so unfairly."

He retweeted the comment from his POTUS account.

A social media campaign called "Grab Your Wallet" has urged a boycott of stores that stock Ivanka Trump or Donald Trump products. Source: fox4beaumont.com/news/entertainment/trump-nordstrom-treated-ivanka-so-unfairly-shares-react
Feb 08 2017: A new indicator is born.

Trump tweets losing power
Feb 08 2017: CNN: Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch calls Trump's tweets 'disheartening'

Quote: Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch calls Trump's tweets 'disheartening'
Ashley Killough Profile

By Ashley Killough, CNN

Updated 2203 GMT (0603 HKT) February 8, 2017

Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch told a US senator Wednesday that President Donald Trump's tweets about the judiciary are "demoralizing" and "disheartening."
In a meeting with Connecticut Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal, Gorsuch, who's largely been silent since Trump nominated him last week, took exception to Trump calling a federal judge in Seattle a "so-called judge" after blocking the President's travel ban.
"He said very specifically that they were demoralizing and disheartening and he characterized them very specifically that way," Blumenthal said of Gorsuch. "I said they were more than disheartening and I said to him that he has an obligation to make his views clear to the American people, so they understand how abhorrent or unacceptable President Trump's attacks on the judiciary are." Source: edition.cnn.com/2017/02/08/politics/gorsuch-trump-tweets/index.html?adkey=bn
Feb 09 2017: Trump adviser touts Ivanka's goods from White House

Clothes from Ivanka Trump are made in China (!). Open this link to see the picture.

Politics | Thu Feb 9, 2017 | 12:24pm EST
Trump adviser touts Ivanka's goods from White House

A top White House aide on Thursday promoted the clothing line named after President Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka, drawing criticism from ethics experts one day after the president attacked a retailer for dropping her products.
"Go buy Ivanka's stuff ...I'm going to go get some myself today," Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway told Fox News in an interview from the White House. "I'm going to give a free commercial here: Go buy it today, everybody."
Norman Eisen, who served as an ethics adviser to Democratic President Barack Obama, said Conway's comments amounted to an advertisement and violated government ethics law.

"It's a violation of the rule," Eisen told MSNBC. "It's a serious matter."

Former Office of Government Ethics chief Don Fox told the Washington Post Conway's comments appeared to violate rules barring the use of public office for anyone's private gain. Ivanka's brand was thrust into the headlines after her father on Wednesday attacked department store chain Nordstrom Inc for dropping her products, in a highly unusual move that drew criticism for his use of a White House twitter platform to intervene in a commercial matter. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment over the ethics issue regarding Conway's remarks, and the Office of Government Ethics could not be immediately reached.

Other retailers that have dropped the Ivanka line include Neiman Marcus and HSN Inc, while Macy's Inc, TJX Cos, Hudson’s Bay Co, which runs high-end chains like Lord & Taylor, and Dillards Inc still carry it.
Quote: reuters.com/article/us-nordstrom-ivanka-trump-idUSKBN15O1V4
Feb 11 2017: Quote, Donald Trump: "I don´t know anything about this."


The scandal over Mike Flynn's secret talks with the Russians, explained
Updated by Zack Beauchamp@zackbeauchampzack@vox.com Feb 10, 2017, 1:29pm EST

Donald Trump’s national security adviser, Michael Flynn, may be in a lot of trouble. Late Thursday night, the Washington Post reported that Flynn had called Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak on December 29, the same day that Obama had slapped new sanctions on Russia in retaliation for its hack of the US election. The conversation covered the sanctions, and, according to two officials, suggested that the Trump administration would be rolling back the sanctions in the future. That would mean Flynn had been actively trying to undermine Obama administration policy while not yet in office — a big, questionably legal no-no. Indeed, the FBI is currently investigating the content of the Flynn calls. The Trump administration repeatedly and publicly denied that Flynn had spoken to Kislyak about sanctions, even enlisting Vice President Mike Pence to back him up in the media. Flynn himself told the Post on Wednesday that he hadn’t talked about sanctions. But the Post spoke to nine former and current US officials with knowledge of the call, which was actually recorded by US intelligence agencies (as all such high-level calls to the Russian ambassador are). Subsequent reporting from other outlets backed the Post up.

On Thursday, Flynn, through his spokesperson, backed away from the denial. The spokesperson said Flynn “indicated that while he had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn’t be certain that the topic never came up.”

All of which means that it’s very likely that Flynn lied about the content of his talks with the Russian ambassador. That leaves two big outstanding questions:

Did Flynn lie to Pence about sanctions, or did Pence knowingly lie to the American public?
Did Flynn lie to FBI investigators, too?

The answers could help determine whether Flynn keeps his job — and, potentially, whether he faces criminal charges.
Comment: FEB 13 2017 Sears and Kmart have also dropped Ivanka Trump’s collection of Trump Home items, because no one wants to buy them.
FEB 13 2017 SNL goes Trump and now more focused on Spicer and Conway.
FEB 18 2017: FAKE! NEWS! pbs.twimg.com/media/C488qf6VUAA6kZn.jpg
FEB 20 2017: New running gag about Trump: "Last night in Sweden.
FEB 20 2017: One example about "Last night in Sweden":
FEB 20 2017 Amusement and bemusement over Trump's remarks about 'last night in Sweden
FEB 21 2017: Re-Tweet to Donald Trump: "I can lie faster than you can fact check" pbs.twimg.com/media/C5N4us0VYAASFLu.jpg
FEB 21 2017: Re-Tweet to Donald Trump: "The Trump Massacre".

Source: twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/834142323881684993
FEB 21: Re-Tweet to Donald Trump: "I INHERITED A MASS. A MASS!"
FEB 21 2017: Re-Tweet to Donald Trump: "Best Start To An Administration Ever"
FEB 25 2017: Fake Sweden expert on Fox News – has criminal convictions in US, no connection to Swedish security

Story telling like this backfires European far right parties. U.S. and U.K. Traders underestimate how this is going to affect all European Elections. European Voters turning away from far right parties wich all supporting Donald Trump.
Source: dn.se/nyheter/varlden/fake-sweden-expert-on-fox-news-has-criminal-convictions-in-us-no-connection-to-swedish-security/
MAR 05 2017: Kate McKinnon Mocks Sessions As Forrest Gump On 'SNL'
Source: npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/03/05/518601702/kate-mckinnon-mocks-sessions-as-forrest-gump-on-snl
MAR 08 2017: People Are Shutting Down Donald Trump's International Women's Day Tweet
MAR 23 2017: Trump sends holiday greetings to Iranians, does not mention travel ban
MAR 23 2017: All major sentiment Indicators showing "fear" or "extreme fear" - even Markets just a few points under multi year highs or all time highs (DAX)

Before you read this news about todays market action (link below) keep your attention to the high level of putbuying at the CBOE: Total Intraday Put/Call Ratio 1,13. If ever there might be any higher number before the weekend the remind that usually high numbers like this are followed by a major spike to the upside some trading days later. Expect that a "fail" for Donald J. Trump might be nothing else than "sell the news" (for shortsellers). You need to invert the situation.

DAX Traders need to be aware that the EUWAX Sentiment Indicator today once more was extremely negative - means nothing else that putbuying was extremely high.
Quote: Wall St closes lower after Healthcare vote delay

MAR 29 2017: Trump tweets burned by roboter.
MAR 30 2017: Trump declares war on Republican conservatives: 'We must fight them'
APR 06 2017 - Sean Spicer treats the WH press corps like a bunch of kindergarteners
Source: The Daily Show, Comedy, Video: mobile.twitter.com/MattNegrin/status/849773182840078336?ref_src=twsrc^tfw&ref_url=http://www.bento.de/haha/daily-show-zeigt-sean-spicer-im-kindergarten-1289310/
APR 15 2017: SNL about Bannon vs. Kushner ...
APR 18 2017 U.S. Aircraft Carrier Went In Wrong Direction For Days After White House Threat
Trump said he was “sending an armada” to the Korean Peninsula, but that didn’t happen. Source: huffingtonpost.com/entry/carl-vinson-north-korea_us_58f658fde4b0bb9638e6f653
APR 24 2017: Angela Merkel reportedly had to explain the 'fundamentals' of EU trade to Trump 11 times

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