

ContraryTrader تم تحديثه   
Weekly higher low.. Bulls see a cup and handle. Bears see their H&S back in play.

So this is normally a bearish pattern .
It's called a Ascending broadening wedge.. you could Google it for images but I'll show you an example of it playing out..

Here's Boeing daily chart, you'll see the same pattern here and the results..

I think this week we're going to push up to that yellow trendline resistance.
If Cpi comes in as expected or better we should break above it for 449-450.

I'd be surprised to see a leg higher than 450 on spy unless QQQ can break out of the 379 area or this resistance

With that being said my weekly upside targets on Spy and QQQ are

Looking for the market to start the week off green and Flush as we get closer to Thursday (PPI) , Friday (Quad witching).

Weekly low possibility on Spy , I would go with 438-440. The reason I chose those numbers are because of the trendline support that spy has bounced off of all year; I wouldn't push to any short target below that unless spy breaks that..

I may go over Dow later in the week if something new pops up but my previous spy post covers that..

What I did notice was the Dow Jones transportation.
Looks really bearish here with a close back inside this triangle.
Dow jones transport usually proceeds the Dow Jones itself and is also a bell weather on the economy

For the most part, most of the
top sectors with the exception of XLK and SMH traded in place and look neutral

Here's XLY (Amzn/Tsla)
Look at the choppy price action on Amzn and TSLA and you wouldn't be surprised if you watched XLY..
Weekly chart here shows uptrend and a pennant.

Similar consolidation on
XLC (Googl,meta,Nflx)

And XLF (Financials)
Literally traded in place for 3days

Vix daily chart.. I think last week early push and then laster flush was the center piece price action for a double bottom forming that will take us back to 17 by EOW

Vix is so close to 13.00 concrete support. Only way spy breaks above 455 is vix goes below 13.00 and thats a stretch..

But as always
Lets see what happens
Spy resistance
448.50 over that 449.25, 450.50

Spy support - 446.75

Qqq Resistance
376.30 over that 378.00

Qqq Support - 375.00

Tight window today with what I expect will be low volume across the board.
Tsla - long only over 266 or if retraces back to 258-260..
Broke out of a pennant after a week of consolidation..
If it gets over 266, 280 will be the next target..
Careful with what tech you trade today.. Unless QQQ can break over 376.30 there will be choppiness. Remember, if the QQQ only has a 1$ window today they can't pump all tech names so some of the premarket movers will flush like what happened Friday. If QQQ can break AND HOLD over 376 then you will see a broader rally
375-376 is tough for QQQ.. low volume day, don't know if it'll get back over it today maybe a push from aapl tomorrow..

I'm on the sidelines.. everything gapped to resistance and I didn't want to scalp the short..

Spy rejected at yellow line.. 50sma support
Definitely a low volume day as expected..
Seems like build a position day.. Was tempted to buy the dip on apple again but I'll wait.

SMH chip sector looks nasty but NVDA holding its 50ema so they may recover.. Same rules apply into tomorrow, until we break over resistance we will have fawkery.. I'll be back on later
Well I said positioning day..
And they positioned for the long atleast into Wed.
Here's IXIC nasdaq 1hour chart..

Obvious Pennant seen

But when you zero in on the last 2 day price action, you can see an inverted H&S has formed.. target is 14,000 by wed which is basically 379 on QQQ.
Chip sector was dragging the most but NVDA has bounced off support 50ema. Tsla will probably pushed to 280 soon. If aapl pops tomorrow we rally to bull targets of the week and then let Cpi take the wheel
1hour vix..
Cci rolling over bearish. I think we go for the gap close next 2 days..
Dow jones Daily
.. we will see which way this breaks in the next 2 days . I'll believe over 35k
Similar setup as the Dow and QQQ..
Will break up or down this week
Over 16,100 and it's a breakout

Closed up at resistance here at 68..
RSI also at resistance..
Careful on any long on those stocks here if 68 gets some push back

XLY (Tsla/Amzn) Same look

(Msft and aapl)
Retesting the wedge from last week fallout.
Should close gap at 175 tomorrow if aapl pops. If it can't close back inside the correction will kick off
I'll be waiting to trade around apple event

Spy support
446.50 - 447.50
I don't think we break 446 today or atleast until aapl event.

374- 375.50

Overall I think this will be a Dip buy day, but be picky!

Another low volume day across the board going into CPI.
XLF (Banks)Keeps tagging the resistance of this pennant.. Exact same pennant as Dow and NYSE.. they will all make the same move in coming days
Yes chip sector lagged; Today they've been nominated plunge protectors
For my aapl traders
15min chart.
Pressure cooker/ ascending triangle ..

In aapl
177.00 stop loss
My target is 182 gap close
Stopped out...
I'll try again back over 178
Below 374 Qqq next support
I doubt it breaks 373.00 today...
Aapl event can prop it back up or flush it to 373..

378 Gap close this IMO
Qqq 1hour chart
Got near the 373 support.
If it holds I think it's 378 from here

Those sectors I posted last night
XLY and XLC both got rejected which is bad but not all bad.. what I'm saying is
Support still holds, we just couldn't break resistance.

4hour charts are closing up a harming pattern

Got rejected on its 50sma and trendline resistance. That will put an end to the bank run unless they break out

Should the CPI come in good we go for gap close and retest those sector tops again .
VIX is forming that double mentioned earlier in the week.. will need a gap down or flush here to negate it..break out over 15.00
Swinging MSFT 337c
Small position..

Looking at the futures.

NQ dipped on CPI and bounced off 15,400
Horizontal support

Es dip and also bounced at 4500
Horizontal support

I want to see Vix break that 13.73 support , it did get some push back this morning at resistance
NQ is leaning oversold on 2-3hour.
Qqq next support is 372.50 , below that is 369-370.. If 372.50 holds, they'll buy this up
Added some more MSFT at the open.. trailing stop in place now..

Higher 10yr is always bad for cylicals, that's why IWM,DJT and NYsE are struggling.

Tech is will shoulder for this to stay green..
Aapl is the party pooper, they could drop and retest that 173.50..
Stopped out for 40% profit

Fawking aapl drag..
Qqq 15min chart.. Falling wedge showing.. It's trying to breakout ..
If qqq breaks 372.00 I'm Shorting to 370 otherwise, this is untradeable
I'm in 373 stop
Covering... here
Nice trap...
Qqq 15min.. trying at the wedge AGAIN
Broke out.
Full move is to 376 gap close.
It can back test wedge breakout or just keep going
Vix heading to the gap close now..
Aapl daily chart.
That blue trendline represents Higherlows.
If it can hold that Support, then the low is in for today. If it loses that Support 170 is next stop
XLY sector bumping its head against resistance AGAIN.
care ful if you're long Tsla or amzn up here.
Games... I'll be back on later...
I think they'll push it simply because the vix is going down.. Probably will push the algo to "Supreme fawkery " to melt this up
Vix.. stop short of gap close on This trendline support.. Unless they break below this and Flush the market will struggle to go higher
Witching Fridays are not necessarily bearish,, just volatile. But I've Never seen A bullish Sept witching .

Don't know what PPI will bring tomorrow but with those upside gaps on Spy 449 and QQQ 378 I don't feel comfortable short swinging yet.
SMH (Chip sector)
Last 7 day range has been confined 149-152. Today we are close to resistance.. tomorrow we either break above for a double bottom or reject and H&S

Qqq 15min.. support is now resistance.
Couldn't get back inside channel late day.

Only over 376.30 for calls

See you'll tomorrow
Just getting on..
QqQ has one more gap to close at 378.05

ARM IPO is scheduled to release sometime today. Wouldn't be surprised if that gives it the final pop to close gap.

Too late to open new longs in the day..

I think we bleeding tomorrow and range trade Monday and Tuesday into FOMC.
And there's your ARM pop on QQQ
Waiting till EOD to go short
Dow jones most likely will push to that 35k today or tomorrow.. depending on what happens there will determine the spy next move.
If it breaks out I expect more weakness in tech
NYSE broke out too...
16,100 resistance in needs to break for a double bottom.. Same as dow
Qqq 1hour chart..
Gap close at 378.00
If it keeps pushing , next resistance at 379.30

376.30 support
Qqq 2hour chart...
Yeah, looking at the bigger picture I think we tagged 379.50 then pullback to 376 support
Vix 1-2 hour CCI is way over sold .
If you have short dated calls place your stop losses
And this is why I wait EOD to short..
Fawkery power hour.

Next resistance on Spy 451.50
Qqq 379.50
This Adbe earnings after hours has all the A.I hype around it.. Should move the Q's which ever way it goes.. I'm looking forward to Shorting them tomorrow post earnings
Swinging Amzn
Stop loss 146.00
30min chart and rsi
XLY (Tesla, Amzn)

Stop right at gap resistance..
I'll be up bright an early tomorrow ✌
NQ 3hour chart
Rising wedge ..
Shorts under 15,680..
Target support or 15,550.
Money flow on 3-4 over bought.
I'd be surprised if they broke this wedge before FOMC. Did tomorrow then tight chop
Dow jones.. been bumping its head all morning at 35k resistance..
Looking for a pullback to 34,800 today..
Here's are just a couple of things I see..
Aapl wantsa a 177 test today.

Tesla wants to test 281 gap resistance.

Googl pullback target for today 137.00

Meta pullback 310.00 minimum. If it loses 310, we go to 307
Adbe.. as long as this stays under 540, Adbe is head back to 510, not saying today but most likely next week .

Next strongest support is 50sma at 528.. below that and 510 incoming.


Doubt they break back below 447.50 gap support on Spy.

Channel formed here
Placing a trailer on my Amzn short at the the open.
I'm out guys.

150% 0dte googl 137p
110% on my amzn 142p

Careful staying short.. atleast place a trailer stop on it .. be back in a few
Man those Sept Quad witchers are brutal lol

Qqq looks to be headed to 370 despite being intra day oversold

If 370 breaks next stop 357 Triple top
Nq it bounced so far at rising wedge support ..
Next week , we break to New weekly lows and confirm monthly hang man
Vix daily chart.
Falling wedge in white similar to the last wedge .
Looking for a 17-18.00 test next week
Dow broke gap support from yesterday's gap up.. will probably close gap today which means more pain
Pennant on the vix 15min

Bear flag on the Q 15min
369 next stop
443 support spy, it breaks that 441.00 next
15min spy.. 443 is holding for now.

Possible falling wedge here..
I'm done for today.. catch you'll later

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