
Shorting poop: a highly profitable hobby

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Short selling is an investing strategy employed by traders to profit from a company’s share price declining. Shorting stocks involves borrowing shares from your broker and buying them back at a future date. A trader intends to profit from the decrease in value by buying back the shares for a lower price. Betting against worthless penny stocks trading at inflated prices can be profitable because these companies will eventually crash. However, unlike normal investing, your losses theoretically are unlimited.

You might have heard of people that short dead companies, well same principle applies to crypto.

2 years and we have still been waiting for margin trading on Binance. Well there is Poloniex Bitfinex I think Bittrex too never checked that one.

There is probably no way you would be able to short big amounts, but for small trading accounts this is an easy shortcut to growing.
Better really not go big thought, this kind of things get pump and dumped it could just explode up 300% in a day. You should go less than 10% in.
There are plenty of worthless alts. The sad thing thought is that they all move together at the same time, so the opportunity would arise once and then it's over.

Now that I left my job (or as they called it "get fired") and I really have nolife I am probably going to post more trading ideas.
I do not want to be glued to the screen and will do alot of swing trading and for this maybe I will post ideas often: Forex, Commodities, Indices, Crypto, Stocks you name it.
I look at so many different things, I would not recommend this to beginners, but seriously for me it's fine because I filter and for 1 ticker I get maybe 10-15 signals a YEAR on 4 hour and daily charts, then I have all day long to backtest on that specific chart and analyse it look at every thing (if the move happens before I finished doing my TA then I miss out whatever I don't care I look at over 60 different charts).

If I post too many ideas thought maybe it will be the sign they are of bad quality....
But probably not I actually cut my trading alot. I was getting 10 daytrading alerts a day destroying my ears now I probably get 1-3 a day or something.
I still have alerts on the 1 hour chart, but only for my 15 of them that I know well enough will not get overwhelmed don't worry :p

If I go check what's new on Polo and log into my account, I will look at alts probably.
Are penny alts like this that interesting to short? They used to be very interesting to short when they got pumped by groups on discord, now, they are clearly dead, all that is required is for enough fools to fall for "3000% ROI the opportunity of a lifetime altcoins bottomed" and push the price into a decent short area, no one that knows what they are doing want to short at the bottom, but at resistance.
Anyone poor with free time can check the facts & code and probably know when scammers are going to run away with "investors" money.

These scams crack me up :'D
Trading view screenshot bug... so annoying...
There was a MAJOR MAJOR flaw in their code and no one noticed for a whole year.

What about "crypto does not need regulations it is self regulated there are plenty of very smart people (the people saying this usually say "much more intelligent than me" it's supposed to show they are honest or some dumb shit) that will check the code.

I'm pretty sure all of the morons that bought such worthless garbage 10 months ago and were strongly against regulations are strongly in favor of regulation now and especially want regulators to get them their money back somehow hahaha.
altcoinscryptotimenewbanktnbTNBBTCTrend Analysis

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