A pesar de que seguimos en tendencia alcista podriamos tener un retroceso fuerte en esta semana podria ir al 35100 y luego responder alcista Podria romper ese nivel y buscar precios en bajista hacia el 34600 debemos estar atento a la apertura del mercado de new york a las 9:30 revisar esa apertura segun eso determinamos la direccion del precio ME EXTRANARON ??
Despite the fact that we are still in an uptrend, we could have a strong setback this week, it could go to 35100 and then respond bullishly. It could break that level and look for bearish prices towards 34600. We must be attentive to the opening of the New York market at 9:30 a.m., review that opening based on that, we determine the direction did you miss me ??
Beyond Technical Analysis

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