W Bounce off 50DMA?

By hungry_hippo
تم تحديثه
Not real sure on this one, only a small play. Last time W tanked on earnings, it hit the 50DMA and dropped. Do we get a repeat? If it breaks through, it's probably going to set a new high. I would not naked short this one, bought Jan puts.

This is one of the biggest Ponzi scheme in the market. Anybody can increase revenue by selling at a loss. When W goes bankrupt, then we'll know the market has hit a bottom. Probably 2 years while we're in a recession.
تم إغلاق الصفقة يدويًا
Looks like it's setting up for a bull flag, W always goes up with the market despite being bankrupt. Looking for re-entry into puts when this market bump is over (or next earnings).
Looked really weak today when the market was up big. Looks like it will roll over huge when the market does.
Decided to buy Jan puts this morning. W is not participating in the rally, neither is retail in general. The only thing that props W up is ETFs like XRT. Can't imagine anyone person would actually buy into this Ponzi scheme.
تم إغلاق الصفقة يدويًا
Flipped the puts, expecting a market bounce this week.
Rising interest rate and fiscal tightening will bankrupt this money losing company. Guaranteed this goes to zero within 2 years, how are they going to get another .5B loan this year? that's how much money they're losing on an annual basis (maybe more based on this past quarter).

Got back into Jan puts yesterday. I'm holding them until expiration this time, win or lose.
تم إغلاق الصفقة يدويًا
Closing most of my position for X-mas. Merry X-mas everybody.
Chart Patternsponziwayfair

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