Yelp Inc.

Yelp - $YELP - ER beat / Revenue Beat - BTFD!

تم تحديثه
YELP ( YELP ) beats ER by $0.02 and takes a dip. Revenue beat by +13%!!

Looks to me like a BTFD. I'm in @ 2X 6/1 $43 Calls.

We'll see what the reviews do over the rest of the week!
أغلقت الصفقة: تم الوصول للهدف
YELP (YELP) has steadily progressed over the week, continuing to grow. I've sold my calls after letting this one run for a while.
I'm happy even though there's likely still more climbing left to do. "Nobody ever lost money taking profits", and I'm aiming to buy when assured and exit before a downturn.
btfdcallsdipdipbuyTrend AnalysisYELP

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