LuxAlgo® - Screener (OSC)

تم تحديثه
The LuxAlgo® - Screener (OSC) is a complete tool allowing users to check returned information from the Oscillator Matrix™ toolkit's features for various user selected tickers and timeframes.

Users can customize the returned information by the screener, as well as filtering out displayed tickers based on custom user set rules.



Users can place the location of the screener everywhere they want, multiple locations are supported, you can even have it on your chart by drag and dropping the screener to your chart, allowing you to analyze them alongside your favorite indicators.


Keeping track of various tickers is crucial to have a deeper understanding of the overall market activity.

Our screener let you quickly access your preferred information in a convenient way thanks to the described features below:

  • Screening of the main Oscillator Matrix™ features on up to 10 user selected tickers and timeframes.
  • Ticker filtering based on custom user set rules.
  • Ticker sorting based on ascending/descending user selected data returned by the screener.

The LuxAlgo® - Screener (OSC) returns the following information:

  • Current price
  • Current volume
  • Current price percent change (% CHG)
  • Current price change (CHG)
  • Current rating
  • Most recent HyperWave signal
  • Current Money Flow value
  • Current Overflow value
  • Current HyperWave value
  • Most recent reversal signal
  • Most recent divergence
  • Current Confluence status


Users can quickly check the overall sentiment based on the screeners returned information by looking at the Rating column. Tickers can be rated as follows:

  • ▲ Strong Bullish (more than 80% of the returned information is bullish)
  • △ Bullish (60% to 80% of the returned information is bullish)
  • ― Neutral (40% to 60% of the returned information is bullish)
  • ▽ Bearish (20% to 60% of the returned information is bullish)
  • ▼ Strong Bearish (less than 20% of the returned information is bullish)

This can be a quick way to asses the confluence between all the returned information on the screener for a specific ticker.



Thanks to the integrated filtering capabilities of the LuxAlgo® - Screener (OSC) you will be able to keep track of the information from tickers that return specific information you want to see.

For example do you want to only see the information from tickers with bullish money flow?

Nothing easier, all you need is to select the "Above" option in the Money Flow dropdown menu and set the value 50 in the input to the right.

However, you don't have to stop at 1 filtering condition, create more complex ones that fits your trading style for the tickers you truly want to look at!



As traders we want to quickly spot the tickers with most volume, most volatility, with the strongest uptrend or downtrend.

The LuxAlgo® - Screener (OSC) lets you do that by sorting supported information in an ascending or descending order, letting you access the most relevant information faster.
ملاحظات الأخبار
  • - Added option to disable specific tickers
  • - Added option to select “Any Bullish or “Any Bearish” rating in Rating filter
  • - Added option to select “Any Up or “Any Down” signal in HWO Signal filter
  • - Added option to select “Any Up or “Any Down” reversal in Reversal Signal filter
  • - Added option to use the same ticker as the one active on the chart for individual screener tickers
  • - Changed ticker/timeframe selection layout
  • - Minor changes
ملاحظات الأخبار
- New "Middle" locations
ملاحظات الأخبار
- Added way to prevent errors on unavailable screener data on specific tickers
- Significantly improved script computation time/memory handling
ملاحظات الأخبار
- Fixed HyperWave signal reporting wrong indications when using the "TS" signal method
ملاحظات الأخبار
- Fixed issue preventing sorting by specific columns if these were not visible
luxalgomatrixoscillatormatrixscannerscannersscreenerscreenersstatisticsTrend Analysis

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