Library "BacktestLibrary"
A library providing functions for equity calculation and performance metrics.

since(date, active)
  : Calculates the number of candles since a specified date.
    date (simple float): (simple float): The starting date in timestamp format (e.g., input.time(timestamp()))
    active (simple bool): (simple bool): If true, counts the number of candles since the date; if false, returns 0.
  Returns: (int): The number of candles since the specified date.

buy_and_hold(r, startDate)
  : Calculates the Buy and Hold Equity from a specified date.
    r (float): (series float): Daily returns of the asset (e.g., 0.02 for 2% move).
    startDate (simple float): (simple float): Timestamp of the starting date for the equity calculation.
  Returns: (float): Buy and Hold Equity of the asset from the specified date.

equity(sig, threshold, r, startDate, signals)
  : Calculates the strategy's equity on a candle-by-candle basis.
    sig (float): (series float): Signal values; positive for long, negative for short.
    threshold (simple float): (simple float): Signal threshold for entering trades.
    r (float): (series float): Daily returns of the asset (e.g., 0.02 for 2% move).
    startDate (simple float): (simple float): Timestamp of the starting date for the equity calculation.
    signals (simple string): (simple string): Type of signals to backtest ("Long & Short", "Long Only", "Short Only").
  Returns: (float): Strategy equity on a candle-by-candle basis.

PerformanceMetrics(base, Lookback, startDate)
  : Calculates performance metrics of a strategy from a specified date.
    base (float): (series float): Equity values of the strategy or Buy and Hold equity.
    Lookback (int): (series int): Number of periods since the start date; recommended to use the 'since' function.
    startDate (simple float): (simple float): Timestamp of the starting date for the equity calculation.
  Returns: (float[]): Array of performance metrics.

PerfMetricTable(buy_and_hold, strategy)
  : Plots a table comparing performance metrics of Buy and Hold and Strategy equity.
    buy_and_hold (array<float>): (float[]): Metrics from the PerformanceMetrics() function for Buy and Hold.
    strategy (array<float>): (float[]): Metrics from the PerformanceMetrics() function for the strategy.
  Returns: : Table displaying the performance metrics comparison.

مكتبة باين

كمثال للقيم التي تتبناها TradingView، نشر المؤلف شيفرة باين كمكتبة مفتوحة المصدر بحيث يمكن لمبرمجي باين الآخرين من مجتمعنا استخدامه بحرية. تحياتنا للمؤلف! يمكنك استخدام هذه المكتبة بشكل خاص أو في منشورات أخرى مفتوحة المصدر، ولكن إعادة استخدام هذا الرمز في المنشور تحكمه قوانين الموقع.

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