Library "Spectrum"
This library includes spectrum analysis tools such as the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).


method toComplex(data, polar)
  Creates an array of complex type objects from a float type array.
  Namespace types: array<float>
    data (array<float>): The float type array of input data.
    polar (bool): Initialization coordinates; the default is false (cartesian).
  Returns: The complex type array of converted data.

method sAdd(data, value, end, start, step)
  Performs scalar addition of a given float type array and a simple float value.
  Namespace types: array<float>
    data (array<float>): The float type array of input data.
    value (float): The simple float type value to be added.
    end (int): The last index of the input array (exclusive) on which the operation is performed.
    start (int): The first index of the input array (inclusive) on which the operation is performed; the default value is 0.
    step (int): The step by which the function iterates over the input data array between the specified boundaries; the default value is 1.
  Returns: The modified input array.

method sMult(data, value, end, start, step)
  Performs scalar multiplication of a given float type array and a simple float value.
  Namespace types: array<float>
    data (array<float>): The float type array of input data.
    value (float): The simple float type value to be added.
    end (int): The last index of the input array (exclusive) on which the operation is performed.
    start (int): The first index of the input array (inclusive) on which the operation is performed; the default value is 0.
    step (int): The step by which the function iterates over the input data array between the specified boundaries; the default value is 1.
  Returns: The modified input array.

method eMult(data, data02, end, start, step)
  Performs elementwise multiplication of two given complex type arrays.
  Namespace types: array<cx.complex>
    data (array<complex> type from RezzaHmt/Complex/1): the first complex type array of input data.
    data02 (array<complex> type from RezzaHmt/Complex/1): The second complex type array of input data.
    end (int): The last index of the input arrays (exclusive) on which the operation is performed.
    start (int): The first index of the input arrays (inclusive) on which the operation is performed; the default value is 0.
    step (int): The step by which the function iterates over the input data array between the specified boundaries; the default value is 1.
  Returns: The modified first input array.

method eCon(data, end, start, step)
  Performs elementwise conjugation on a given complex type array.
  Namespace types: array<cx.complex>
    data (array<complex> type from RezzaHmt/Complex/1): The complex type array of input data.
    end (int): The last index of the input array (exclusive) on which the operation is performed.
    start (int): The first index of the input array (inclusive) on which the operation is performed; the default value is 0.
    step (int): The step by which the function iterates over the input data array between the specified boundaries; the default value is 1.
  Returns: The modified input array.

method zeros(length)
  Creates a complex type array of zeros.
  Namespace types: series int, simple int, input int, const int
    length (int): The size of array to be created.

method bitReverse(data)
  Rearranges a complex type array based on the bit-reverse permutations of its size after zero-padding.
  Namespace types: array<cx.complex>
    data (array<complex> type from RezzaHmt/Complex/1): The complex type array of input data.
  Returns: The modified input array.

method R2FFT(data, inverse)
  Calculates Fourier Transform of a time series using Cooley-Tukey Radix-2 Decimation in Time FFT algorithm,–Tukey_FFT_algorithm.
  Namespace types: array<cx.complex>
    data (array<complex> type from RezzaHmt/Complex/1): The complex type array of input data.
    inverse (int): Set to -1 for FFT and to 1 for iFFT.
  Returns: The modified input array containing the FFT result.

method LBFFT(data, inverse)
  Calculates Fourier Transform of a time series using Leo Bluestein's FFT algorithm, This function is nearly 4 times slower than the R2FFT function in practice.
  Namespace types: array<cx.complex>
    data (array<complex> type from RezzaHmt/Complex/1): The complex type array of input data.
    inverse (int): Set to -1 for FFT and to 1 for iFFT.
  Returns: The modified input array containing the FFT result.

method DFT(data, inverse)
  This is the original DFT algorithm. It is not suggested to be used regularly.
  Namespace types: array<cx.complex>
    data (array<complex> type from RezzaHmt/Complex/1): The complex type array of input data.
    inverse (int): Set to -1 for DFT and to 1 for iDFT.
  Returns: The complex type array of DFT result.

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