Durango - Mr Yen

تم تحديثه
Do you short too soon ? or go long too early ?

Well Durango chart provides traders with direction !

It is best used to guide the trader's decision whether to short or long as the Keltner channels multipliers indicate extreme oversold or overbaught conditions.

The source of this indicator is the trader Brian Watt specialized in trading the S&P500, where he talks about this indicator as the GOAT (greatest of all times) on his youtube channel. So it's well suited for trading index futures, but might as well work for stocks, you have to ajust the parameters and backtest.

The channel multipliers depend on the underlying instrument to trade, you must ajust and fine tune it for every instrument. For NQ for example, 3.1, 9.1 and 18 seems to work fine.

This is the first draft, in the next updates I'll be adding seperate mulipliers for upper and lower channels, to give traders better fine tuning capability.

Trade Safe guys !
ملاحظات الأخبار
Changed default settings
ملاحظات الأخبار
Added seperate multipliers for lower and upper bands
durangoTrend Analysis

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