Library "MathSearchDijkstra"
Shortest Path Tree Search Methods using Dijkstra Algorithm.

min_distance(distances, flagged_vertices) Find the lowest cost/distance.
  • distances: float array, data set with distance costs to start index.
  • flagged_vertices: bool array, data set with visited vertices flags.

Returns: int, lowest cost/distance index.

dijkstra(matrix_graph, dim_x, dim_y, start) Dijkstra Algorithm, perform a greedy tree search to calculate the cost/distance to selected start node at each vertex.
  • matrix_graph: int array, matrix holding the graph adjacency list and costs/distances.
  • dim_x: int, x dimension of matrix_graph.
  • dim_y: int, y dimension of matrix_graph.
  • start: int, the vertex index to start search.

Returns: int array, set with costs/distances to each vertex from start vertexs.

shortest_path(start, end, matrix_graph, dim_x, dim_y) Retrieves the shortest path between 2 vertices in a graph using Dijkstra Algorithm.
  • start: int, the vertex index to start search.
  • end: int, the vertex index to end search.
  • matrix_graph: int array, matrix holding the graph adjacency list and costs/distances.
  • dim_x: int, x dimension of matrix_graph.
  • dim_y: int, y dimension of matrix_graph.

Returns: int array, set with vertex indices to the shortest path.

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