Linear and Logarithmic Fibonacci Levels and Fans

تم تحديثه

The Fibonacci Retracement tool is a go-to for traders looking to spot potential support and resistance levels. By measuring the distance between swing highs and lows, you can apply Fibonacci ratios like 0.236, 0.382, and 0.618 to predict key market levels.

Traditionally, these levels are set by dividing this distance into equal parts—known as Linear Levels. A more refined approach, Logarithmic Levels, divides the distance into proportionally equal segments. Plus, this indicator now includes Fibonacci fans, adding another layer of analysis by projecting potential price levels using trendlines based on Fibonacci ratios.

This tool makes it easier to identify both Linear and Logarithmic levels while also leveraging Fibonacci fans for a more complete market view.


Logarithmic Levels and Fibonacci fans are ideal for volatile markets. In crypto, they’re especially effective for BTCUSDT (check out the wick from January 23, 2024). They also help spot accumulation and distribution patterns in high-volume altcoins like FETUSDT. In traditional markets, they’re useful for tracking stocks like TSLA and NVDA with extreme price swings, as well as indices in inflation-affected markets like XU100, or recession-hit currency pairs like JPYUSD.

How to Use

This indicator is intuitive and similar to TradingView’s Fibonacci Tool. Select your reference levels (Level 1 and Level 0), then tweak the settings to customize your analysis, including adding Fibonacci fans for extra insights.

Why It’s Different

Unlike TradingView’s tool, which forces you to switch to a logarithmic scale (messing with other indicators and trend lines), this indicator lets you view both Linear and Logarithmic levels—and Fibonacci fans—without changing your chart’s scale. The original Fibonacci Code was derived from zekicanozkanli, modified and upgraded to plot fib fans as well.
ملاحظات الأخبار
Fixed mode to lower timeframe fib vannish.
ملاحظات الأخبار
Added Option to extend FibFan left.
fansFibonacci RetracementfibsLOGLOGARITHMIClogscaleTrend AnalysisVolatilityVolume

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