Library "PlurexSignalIntegration"

Provides tools for integrating Strategies and Alerts into signals.

plurexMarket() Build a Plurex market from a base and quote asset symbol.
  Returns: A market string that can be used in Plurex Signal messages.

tickerToPlurexMarket() Builds simple Plurex market string from the syminfo
  Returns: A market string that can be used in Plurex Signal messages.

simpleMessage(secret, action, marketOverride) Builds simple Plurex Signal Messages
    secret: The secret for your Signal on plurex
    action: The action of the message. One of [LONG, SHORT, CLOSE_LONGS, CLOSE_SHORTS, CLOSE_ALL].
    marketOverride: Optional, defaults to the syminfo for the ticker. Use the `plurexMarket` function to build your own.
  Returns: A json string message that can be used in alerts to send messages to Plurex.

executeStrategy(secret, openLong, openShort, closeLongs, closeShorts, marketOverride) Executes strategy actions with Plurex Signal messages
    secret: The secret for your Signal on plurex
    openLong: Strategy should open long if true, aggregated with other boolean values
    openShort: Strategy should open short if true, aggregated with other boolean values
    closeLongs: Strategy should close longs if true, aggregated with other boolean values
    closeShorts: Strategy should close shorts if true, aggregated with other boolean values
    marketOverride: Optional, defaults to the syminfo for the ticker. Use the `plurexMarket` function to build your own.

مكتبة باين

كمثال للقيم التي تتبناها TradingView، نشر المؤلف شيفرة باين كمكتبة مفتوحة المصدر بحيث يمكن لمبرمجي باين الآخرين من مجتمعنا استخدامه بحرية. تحياتنا للمؤلف! يمكنك استخدام هذه المكتبة بشكل خاص أو في منشورات أخرى مفتوحة المصدر، ولكن إعادة استخدام هذا الرمز في المنشور تحكمه قوانين الموقع.

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