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Library "BE_CustomFx_Library"
A handful collection of regular functions, Custom Tools & Utility Functions could be used in regular Scripts. hope these functions can be understood by a non programmer like me too.

G_TextValOfNumber(ValueToConvert, RequiredDecimalPlaces, BeginingChar, EndChar) Function to return the String Value of Number with decimal precision with the prefix and suffix characters provided
    ValueToConvert: = Number to Convert
    RequiredDecimalPlaces: = No of Decimal values Required. supports to a max of 5 decimals else defaults to 2
    BeginingChar: = Prefix character which is needed.
    EndChar: = Suffix character which is needed.
  Returns: Returns Out put with formated value of Given Number for the specified deicimal values with Prefix and suffix string

G_TradableValue(ValueToConvert, NeedCustomization, RequiredDecimalPlaces) Function to return the Tradable Value of Number
    ValueToConvert: = Number to Convert
    NeedCustomization: = set to 1 if you want to customize the decimal percision values. default is No customization needed, which provides output equalent to round_to_mintick
    RequiredDecimalPlaces: = if NeedCustomization is set to 1 mention the decimal percision value required. max supported decimal is 5 else defaults to 2
  Returns: Returns Out put with formated value of Given Number

G_TxtSizeForLables(SizeValue) Function to Get size Value for text values used in Lables
    SizeValue: = auto, tiny, small, normal, large, huge. specify either of these values or default value Normal will be displayed as output
  Returns: Returns Respective Text size

G_Reg_LineType(LineType) Function to Get Line Style Value for text values used in Lines
    LineType: = 'solid (─)', 'dotted (┈)', 'dashed (╌)', 'arrow left (←)', 'arrow right (→)', 'arrows both (↔)' or default line style 'dotted (┈)' will be the output
  Returns: Returns Respective Line style

G_ShapeTypeForLables(ShapeType) Function to Get Shape Style Value for text values used in plot shapes
    ShapeType: = 'XCross', 'Cross', 'Triangle Up', 'Triangle Down', 'Flag', 'Circle','Arrow Up', 'Arrow Down','Lable Up', 'Lable Down' or default shpae style Triangle Up will be the output
  Returns: Returns Respective Shape style

G_Indicator_Val(string, float, int, int) Gets Output of the technical analyis indicator which has length Parameter. RSI, ATR, EMA, SMA, HMA, WMA, VWMA, 'CMO', 'MOM', 'ROC','VWAP'
    string: IndicatorName to be specified
    float: SrcVal for the TA indicator default is close
    int: Length for the TA indicator
    int: DecimalValue optional to specify if required formatted output with decimal percision
  Returns: Value with the given parameters

G_CandleInfo(string, bool, float, bool) function to get Candle Informarion such as both wicksize, top wick size , bottom wick size, full candle size and body size in default points
    string: WhatCandleInfo, string input with either of these options "Wick" , "TWick" , "BWick" , "Candle", "Body" , "BearfbVal", "BullfbVal" , "CandleOpen" ,"CandleClose", "CandleHigh" , "CandleLow", "BodyPct"
    bool: RepaintingVersion, set to true if required data on the realtime bar else default is set to false
    float: FibValueOfCandle, set the fibo value to extract fibvalue of the candle else default is set to 38.2%
    bool: AccountforGaps, set to true if required data on considering the gap between previous and current bar else default is set to false
  Returns: Returns Respective values for the candles

G_BullBearBarCount(int, int) Counts how many green & red bars have printed recently (ie. pullback count)
    int: HowManyCandlesToCheck The lookback period to look back over
    int: BullBear The color of the bar to count (1 = Bull, -1 = Bear), Open = close candles are ignored
  Returns: The bar count of how many candles have retraced over the given lookback with specific candles

BarToStartYourCalculation(Int) function to get candle co-ordinate in order to use it further for calculating your analysis work . "Heart full Thanks to 3 Pine motivators (LonesomeTheBlue, Myank & Sriki) who helped me cracking this logic"
    Int: SelectedCandleNumber (default=450) How many candles you would need to anlysie in your script from the right.
  Returns: A boolean - output is returned to say the starting point and continue to diplay true for the future candles

isHammer(float, bool, bool) Checks if the current bar is a hammer candle based on the given parameters
    float: fib (default=0.382) The fib to base candle body on
    bool: colorMatch (default=false) Does the candle need to be green? (true/false)
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=false) Specify True if you need them to calculate on the realtime bars
  Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a hammer candle

isStar(float, bool, bool) Checks if the current bar is a shooting star candle based on the given parameters
    float: fib (default=0.382) The fib to base candle body on
    bool: colorMatch (default=false) Does the candle need to be red? (true/false)
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=false) Specify True if you need them to calculate on the realtime bars
  Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a shooting star candle

isDoji(float, float, bool) Checks if the current bar is a doji candle based on the given parameters
    float: _wickSize (default=1.5 times) The maximum allowed times can be top wick size compared to the bottom (and vice versa)
    float: _bodySize (default= 5 percent to be mentioned as 0.05) The maximum body size as a percentage compared to the entire candle size
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=false) Specify true if you need them to calculate on the realtime bars
  Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a doji candle

isBullishEC(float, float, bool, bool) Checks if the current bar is a bullish engulfing candle
    float: _allowance (default=0) How many POINTS to allow the open to be off by (useful for markets with micro gaps)
    float: _rejectionWickSize (default=disabled) The maximum rejection wick size compared to the body as a percentage
    bool: _engulfWick (default=false) Does the engulfing candle require the wick to be engulfed as well?
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=false) Specify True if you need them to calculate on the realtime bars
  Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a bullish engulfing candle

isBearishEC(float, float, bool, bool) Checks if the current bar is a bearish engulfing candle
    float: _allowance (default=0) How many POINTS to allow the open to be off by (useful for markets with micro gaps)
    float: _rejectionWickSize (default=disabled) The maximum rejection wick size compared to the body as a percentage
    bool: _engulfWick (default=false) Does the engulfing candle require the wick to be engulfed as well?
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=false) Specify True if you need them to calculate on the realtime bars
  Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a bearish engulfing candle

Plot_TrendLineAtDegree(float, float, int, string, bool) helps you to plot the Trendlines based on the specified angle at the defined price to bar ratio
    float: Degree (default=14) angle at which Trendline to be plot
    float: price2bar_ratio (default=1e-10) The maximum rejection wick size compared to the body as a percentage
    int: Bars2Plot (default=6) Does the engulfing candle require the wick to be engulfed as well?
    string: LineStyle = 'solid (─)', 'dotted (┈)', 'dashed (╌)', 'arrow left (←)', 'arrow right (→)', 'arrows both (↔)' or default line style 'dotted (┈)' will be the output
    bool: PlotOnOpen_Close (default=false) Specify True if you need them to calculate on the Open\Close Values
  Returns: plot the Trendlines based on the specified angle at the defined price to bar ratio
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G_Pct_Chng(float, float, int) Gets the percentage change between 2 float values over a given lookback period
    float: value1 The first value to reference
    float: value2 The second value to reference
    int: lookback The lookback period to analyze

G_ITM(string, bool, int, bool, int) to calculate the ITM stike for the defined strike change
    string: source (default='c') specify either of the source value ['o','h','l','c'] Note: Be mindful as it may be repainted and calulation to be called on every bar
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate on the completed bars
    int: StrikeDiff (default=100) Specify the strike difference value. eg = Nifty = 50 and BNF = 100
    bool: ForCE (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate for PE option
    int: HowDeep (default=1) Specify the level.
  Returns: the strike price for the options speficied

G_OTM(string, bool, int, bool, int) to calculate the OTM stike for the defined strike change
    string: source (default='c') specify either of the source value ['o','h','l','c'] Note: Be mindful as it may be repainted and calulation to be called on every bar
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate on the completed bars
    int: StrikeDiff (default=100) Specify the strike difference value. eg = Nifty = 50 and BNF = 100
    bool: ForCE (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate for PE option
    int: HowDeep (default=1) Specify the level.
  Returns: the strike price for the options speficied

G_ATM(string, bool, int) to calculate the ATM stike for the defined strike change
    string: source (default='c') specify either of the source value ['o','h','l','c'] Note: Be mindful as it may be repainted and calulation to be called on every bar
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate on the completed bars
    int: StrikeDiff (default=100) Specify the strike difference value. eg = Nifty = 50 and BNF = 100
  Returns: the strike price for the options speficied

Chk_TradingTime(string) Determines if the bar's time falls within time filter range
    string: SessionPeriod (default = "GMT+5:30")Opening Market peak time
  Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar falls within the given time

isDoji(float, float, bool) Checks if the current bar is a doji candle based on the given parameters
    float: wickSize (default=1.5 times) The maximum allowed times can be top wick size compared to the bottom (and vice versa)
    float: bodySize (default= 5 percent to be mentioned as 0.05) The maximum body size as a percentage compared to the entire candle size
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=false) Specify true if you need them to calculate on the realtime bars
  Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a doji candle

isBullishEC(float, float, bool, bool) Checks if the current bar is a bullish engulfing candle
    float: allowance (default=0) How many POINTS to allow the open to be off by (useful for markets with micro gaps)
    float: rejectionWickSize (default=disabled) The maximum rejection wick size compared to the body as a percentage
    bool: engulfWick (default=false) Does the engulfing candle require the wick to be engulfed as well?
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=false) Specify True if you need them to calculate on the realtime bars
  Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a bullish engulfing candle

isBearishEC(float, float, bool, bool) Checks if the current bar is a bearish engulfing candle
    float: allowance (default=0) How many POINTS to allow the open to be off by (useful for markets with micro gaps)
    float: rejectionWickSize (default=disabled) The maximum rejection wick size compared to the body as a percentage
    bool: engulfWick (default=false) Does the engulfing candle require the wick to be engulfed as well?
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=false) Specify True if you need them to calculate on the realtime bars
  Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a bearish engulfing candle
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OperatorChk(flot, string, CompareVal1, CompareVal2) to compare the value against and provide the boolean output
    flot: val2chk = Number to check
    string: OperatorTxt = Set to E for ==, NE for !=, G for >, GE for >=, L for <, LE for <= , BE for <= and >= (Between with Equal) and ather string for >< (Between with greater Lesser)
    CompareVal1: = single input to compare against Val2Chk
    CompareVal2: = incase of between scenarios thsi will be used
  Returns: Returns bool Output if compared value found to be true

Plot_TLWithZones(int, int, float, float, int, int, LineType) which plots the lines from point A to B whith specified inputs and returns the expected string Outputs
    int: FrmCan - FromCandle barindex of the left point of the line
    int: ToCan - ToCandle barindex of the right point of the line
    float: FrmVal - FromValue value of the left point of trendline
    float: ToVal - ToValue value of the right point of trendline
    int: Ext - Extend (default = 1) 1 = extend right, 2 = extend both , 3 = extend none
    int: wdt - width (default = 1) line width
    LineType: = 'solid (─)', 'dotted (┈)', 'dashed (╌)', 'arrow left (←)', 'arrow right (→)', 'arrows both (↔)' or default line style 'dotted (┈)' will be the output
  Returns: Tuples with usefull informations of the trend Lines

G_HighFreqValue(bool, int, float, float, string, minTouch, ErrorRateTicks, bool, bool, bool, bool) to retrieve the highest frequency value for the given lookback period
    bool: NeedMaxTouch default is true to identift the highest touched value above the filter value
    int: LookBackPeriod - default is 50
    float: FilterVal1 - default is 0 (include All)
    float: FilterVal2 - default is 0 (will be used only in between scenario)
    string: FilterValOperator - Set to E for ==, NE for !=, G for >, GE for >=, L for <, LE for <= , BE for <= and >= (Between with Equal) and ather string for >< (Between with greater Lesser)
    minTouch: = Minimum Touches to be tested (default is 3)
    ErrorRateTicks: = if in case of exact touch is not happened how much error rate can be included (default is 10 minticks)
    bool: IncludeOpen - default is true
    bool: IncludeHigh - default is true
    bool: IncludeLow - default is true
    bool: IncludeClose - default is true
  Returns: highest frequency value in tuples form

G_CandleInfo(string, bool, float, bool, float) function to get Candle Informarion such as both wicksize, top wick size , bottom wick size, full candle size and body size in default points
    string: WhatCandleInfo, string input with either of these options "Wick" , "TWick" , "BWick" , "Candle", "Body" , "BearfbVal", "BullfbVal" , "CandleOpen" ,"CandleClose", "CandleHigh" , "CandleLow", "BodyPct","ExtractVal"
    bool: RepaintingVersion, set to true if required data on the realtime bar else default is set to false
    float: FibValueOfCandle, set the fibo value to extract fibvalue of the candle else default is set to 38.2%
    bool: AccountforGaps, set to true if required data on considering the gap between previous and current bar else default is set to false
    float: MidVal, set the % value in order to extract the value for the candle
  Returns: Returns Respective values for the candles

BarToStartYourCalculation(Int) function to get candle co-ordinate in order to use it further for calculating your analysis work . "Heart full Thanks to 3 Pine motivators (LonesomeTheBlue, Myank & Sriki) who helped me cracking this logic"
    Int: SelectedCandleNumber (default=450) How many candles you would need to anlysie in your script from the right.
  Returns: A boolean - output is returned to say the starting point and continue to diplay true for the future candles
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G_Pivots(int, float, string, int, int, tuples) to retrieve the Pivot High and Low points (Highest Point and the latest PH and similarly Lowest Point and the latest PL)
    int: StartScanFrom default is 150
    float: Source - default is close, will be used if the source is an external indicator
    string: PlotOnType - default is "HL" (possible use cases can be either "HL", "OC" or any any other string character so that it uses Source param to calculate the Pivot points)
    int: LBC - default is 4 Look Back period for Pivot points
    int: LBF - default is 2 Look forwar period for confirming the Pivot points
    tuples: with useful information regarding pivot points

G_BullBearBarCount(int, int) Counts how many green & red bars have printed recently (ie. pullback count)
    int: HowManyCandlesToCheck The lookback period to look back over
    int: BullBear The color of the bar to count (1 = Bull, -1 = Bear), Open = close candles are ignored
  Returns: The bar count of how many candles have retraced over the given lookback with specific candles

Plot_TLWithZones(int, int, float, float, int, int, LineType, bool, simple) which plots the lines from point A to B whith specified inputs and returns the expected string Outputs
    int: FrmCan - FromCandle barindex of the left point of the line
    int: ToCan - ToCandle barindex of the right point of the line
    float: FrmVal - FromValue value of the left point of trendline
    float: ToVal - ToValue value of the right point of trendline
    int: Ext - Extend (default = 1) 1 = extend right, 2 = extend both , 3 = extend none
    int: wdt - width (default = 1) line width
    LineType: = 'solid (─)', 'dotted (┈)', 'dashed (╌)', 'arrow left (←)', 'arrow right (→)', 'arrows both (↔)' or default line style 'dotted (┈)' will be the output
    bool: Restructure = default (true) , while plotting TrendLine, if there are any breaks already happend then it reassigns the trendline to the correct points
    simple: string RestructureOn = "HL", possible output can be "HL" or "OC"
  Returns: Tuples with usefull informations of the trend Lines
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v5 removed some small bugs
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G_Delta(int, int, simple, bool) Gets Delta Output of the technical analyis indicator
    int: ShortLength to be specified default is 3
    int: LongLength to be specified default is 8
    simple: string MAType for the TA indicator supported are EMA, SMA, HMA
    bool: RepaintingVersion calculate on realtime bar? default is true.
  Returns: Value with the given parameters
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minor Tweak to TLWithZones and Added MorePivots to GetPivot Function
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v8 Minor fix on Pivot Output was referring to incorrect Values.
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1. Enabled Trailing Pivot for further Usage.
2. Pivot Algorithm Changed a Bit to be more constant.
3. Bug fixed for Max Bars Back Error when applied.
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Minor Changes to Pivot to remove unused Pivots to speed up some calculations.
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Get_TradeManagementInfo(Specify) to retrieve the Trade related informations
    Specify: the ArraysOf related parameters
  Returns: tuples with useful information regarding Trades taken
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Minor Bugs fixed
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Updated: Included Qty Traded in Output
Get_TradeManagementInfo(Specify) to retrieve the Trade related informations
    Specify: the ArraysOf related parameters
  Returns: tuples with useful information regarding Trades taken
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v14 minor bug fixed
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Alogrithm changed for TradeManagementInfo
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Minor Bug fixed and added Net final Position for the TradeManagement Info
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Simplified OperatorCheck
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TrackTradeHappening(Specify) to plot Long/Short Trade Boxes which help saving time in plotting them on chart
    Specify: the values against related parameters
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TrackTradeHappening(Specify) to plot Long/Short Trade Boxes which help saving time in plotting them on chart
    Specify: the values against related parameters
ملاحظات الأخبار
Minro Bug Fixed
TrackTradeHappening(Specify) to plot Long/Short Trade Boxes which help saving time in plotting them on chart
    Specify: the values against related parameters
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Minor Bugs Fixed for Pivots Points
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Minor Bug Fixed for PNL Values Calculation
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G_HighFreqValue(int, float, float, string, minTouch, ErrorRateTicks, bool, bool, bool, bool) to retrieve the highest frequency value for the given lookback period
    int: LookBackPeriod - default is 50
    float: FilterVal1 - default is 0 (include All)
    float: FilterVal2 - default is 0 (will be used only in between scenario)
    string: FilterValOperator - Set to E for ==, NE for !=, G for >, GE for >=, L for <, LE for <= , BE for <= and >= (Between with Equal) and ather string for >< (Between with greater Lesser)
    minTouch: = Minimum Touches to be tested (default is 3)
    ErrorRateTicks: = if in case of exact touch is not happened how much error rate can be included (default is 10 minticks)
    bool: IncludeOpen - default is true
    bool: IncludeHigh - default is true
    bool: IncludeLow - default is true
    bool: IncludeClose - default is true
  Returns: tuples with MaxTouchValue and HighestRange and LowestRange
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G_TextValOfNumber(float, int, string, string) Function to return the String Value of Number with decimal precision with the prefix and suffix characters provided
    float: ValueToConvert = Number to Convert
    int: RequiredDecimalPlaces = No of Decimal values Required. supports to a max of 5 decimals else defaults to 2
    string: BeginingChar = Prefix character which is needed.
    string: EndChar = Suffix character which is needed.
  Returns: Returns Out put with formated value of Given Number for the specified deicimal values with Prefix and suffix string
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Minor Bug Fixed with HighFrequency Value
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Minor Update for SpeedImprovement for HighFrequency
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bug Fixing
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IsPoweredPushBuy() To Check if the candle is a powered Push or Not

IsPoweredPushSell() To Check if the candle is a powered Push or Not
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Cosmetic changes (Formattef code) done. New algorithm to publish for few function. Removed few defaults for better readability.
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Added: Created CustomFx for DhanHQ Api JSON
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Minor Bug Fix for JSON for DHAN_HQ
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Minor Bug Fix for TradeManagment.
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Minor Bug Fixed
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G_ITM(string, bool, int, bool, int)
  to calculate the ITM stike for the defined strike change
    string: source (default='c') specify either of the source value ['o','h','l','c','s'] Note: Be mindful as it may be repainted and calulation to be called on every bar
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate on the completed bars
    int: StrikeDiff (default=100) Specify the strike difference value. eg = Nifty = 50 and BNF = 100
    bool: ForCE (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate for PE option
    int: HowDeep (default=1) Specify the level.
  Returns: the strike price for the options speficied

G_OTM(string, bool, int, bool, int)
  to calculate the OTM stike for the defined strike change
    string: source (default='c') specify either of the source value ['o','h','l','c'] Note: Be mindful as it may be repainted and calulation to be called on every bar
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate on the completed bars
    int: StrikeDiff (default=100) Specify the strike difference value. eg = Nifty = 50 and BNF = 100
    bool: ForCE (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate for PE option
    int: HowDeep (default=1) Specify the level.
  Returns: the strike price for the options speficied

G_ATM(string, bool, int)
  to calculate the ATM stike for the defined strike change
    string: source (default='c') specify either of the source value ['o','h','l','c'] Note: Be mindful as it may be repainted and calulation to be called on every bar
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate on the completed bars
    int: StrikeDiff (default=100) Specify the strike difference value. eg = Nifty = 50 and BNF = 100
  Returns: the strike price for the options speficied
ملاحظات الأخبار

G_ITM(string, bool, int, bool, int, float, float)
  to calculate the ITM stike for the defined strike change
    string: source (default='c') specify either of the source value ['o','h','l','c','s'] Note: Be mindful as it may be repainted and calulation to be called on every bar
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate on the completed bars
    int: StrikeDiff (default=100) Specify the strike difference value. eg = Nifty = 50 and BNF = 100
    bool: ForCE (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate for PE option
    int: HowDeep (default=1) Specify the level.
    float: SVal (default=0) Specify the source value.
    float: CalibaratePct (default=0, min = 0 and max = 1) Specify the percentage value. eg if calibarion is set for 50% on the banknifty close price with 30030.5 ITM CE 1 deep will show 29900 how ever if close price is 30070.5 ITM CE with 1 deep will show 30000
  Returns: the strike price for the options speficied

G_OTM(string, bool, int, bool, int, float, float)
  to calculate the OTM stike for the defined strike change
    string: source (default='c') specify either of the source value ['o','h','l','c'] Note: Be mindful as it may be repainted and calulation to be called on every bar
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate on the completed bars
    int: StrikeDiff (default=100) Specify the strike difference value. eg = Nifty = 50 and BNF = 100
    bool: ForCE (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate for PE option
    int: HowDeep (default=1) Specify the level.
    float: SVal (default=0) Specify the source value.
    float: CalibaratePct (default=0, min = 0 and max = 1) Specify the percentage value. eg if calibarion is set for 50% on the banknifty close price with 30030.5 ITM CE 1 deep will show 29900 how ever if close price is 30070.5 ITM CE with 1 deep will show 30000
  Returns: the strike price for the options speficied

G_ATM(string, bool, int, float, float)
  to calculate the ATM stike for the defined strike change
    string: source (default='c') specify either of the source value ['o','h','l','c'] Note: Be mindful as it may be repainted and calulation to be called on every bar
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate on the completed bars
    int: StrikeDiff (default=100) Specify the strike difference value. eg = Nifty = 50 and BNF = 100
    float: SVal (default=0) Specify the source value.
    float: CalibaratePct (default=0, min = 0 and max = 1) Specify the percentage value. eg if calibarion is set for 50% on the banknifty close price with 30030.5 ITM CE 1 deep will show 29900 how ever if close price is 30070.5 ITM CE with 1 deep will show 30000
  Returns: the strike price for the options speficied
ملاحظات الأخبار

    ExpectedOutput: AcceptableValue = "Name", "Type", "Exp"


DiscordTradingJSON(TradeType, BuyOrSell, EqOrFutOrOp, TradeQty, ScriptName, OrderType, OrderType, OrderType, HowDeep, CEorPE, Expiry, BO_Tgt, BO_SL, CO_SL)
    TradeType: acceptable Inputs are I (for MIS / Intraday), CO (for Cover Order), BO (for Bracket Order)
    BuyOrSell: acceptable Inputs are B or S
    EqOrFutOrOp: acceptable Inputs are E (for Equity), F (for Futures), O (for Options)
    TradeQty: string format (default = 25 Qty)
    ScriptName: string format
    OrderType: acceptable Inputs are "" (for Market), "XXX.XX" (143.05 to place Limit Orders at 143.05), Continued Below 2 other acceptable inputs...
    OrderType: "X.X%" (1.25% to place Limit orders at specified percentage Below Market price for BUY, and Above Market price for SELL)
    OrderType: "A X.X%" or "B X.X%" or "A 154.0" or "B 125.0" (A 0.75% to place BUY SL-Limit orders at specified percentage Above Market price for BUY, B 1.05% to place SELL SL-Limit orders at specified percentage Below Market price for SELL)
    HowDeep: acceptable Inputs are "0" (for ATM option), "1" (Positive Numbers for ITM), "-1" (Negative Numbers for OTM) or "" (for Non Expiry Orders)
    CEorPE: acceptable Inputs are CE, PE or "" (for Non Option Orders)
    Expiry: acceptable Inputs are C (for Current Expiry), N (for Next Expiry) or "" (for Non Expiry Orders)
    BO_Tgt: acceptable Inputs are "X" (5 for Rs.5 Target Point), "X.X%" (1.2% for capturing specified percentage rise in price as Target Points for BUY) or "" (for Non BO Orders)
    BO_SL: acceptable Inputs are "X" (3 for Rs.3 SL Point), "X.X%" (0.75% for specified percentage fall in price as SL Points for BUY) or "" (for Non BO Orders)
    CO_SL: acceptable Inputs are "+X" (+3 for Rs.3 above current price for Sell Trade), "-X" (-5 for Rs.5 below current price for Buy Trade), "XXX.X" (125.5 will be applied as SL Value for CO Order) or "" (for Non Expiry Orders)
ملاحظات الأخبار

G_ATM(string, bool, int, float, float)
  to calculate the ATM stike for the defined strike change
    string: source (default='c') specify either of the source value ['o','h','l','c'] Note: Be mindful as it may be repainted and calulation to be called on every bar
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate on the completed bars
    int: StrikeDiff (default=100) Specify the strike difference value. eg = Nifty = 50 and BNF = 100
    float: SVal (default=0) Specify the source value.
    float: CalibaratePct (default=0, min = 0 and max = 1) Specify the percentage value. eg if calibarion is set for 50% on the banknifty close price with 30030.5 ITM CE 1 deep will show 29900 how ever if close price is 30070.5 ITM CE with 1 deep will show 30000
  Returns: the strike price for the options speficied
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Minor Bug Fixed
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TriggerAfter(_cond, _resetCond)
    _cond: acceptable Inputs are seconds to wait and then trigger the output as NA
    _resetCond: acceptable Inputs are true or false
ملاحظات الأخبار
Minor bug fix
ملاحظات الأخبار

    ExpectedOutput: AcceptableValue = "Name", "Type", "Exp"

ملاحظات الأخبار
Minor Bug Fix
ملاحظات الأخبار
Minor Bug for Discord JSON.
ملاحظات الأخبار

StrategyFx(bool, string, string, ArrayString)
    bool: Deploy acceptable Inputs are true for Deploy based Strategy Alert or false for Adding Strategy Alert type
    string: StrategyShortName specify the shortname for either deploying based or Adding based
    string: StrategyFullName specify the fullname for strategy Addition
    ArrayString: LegValues specify the array containing list of Leg Values else use array.new_string(0)
ملاحظات الأخبار

StrategyFx(bool, string, string, ArrayString)
    bool: Deploy acceptable Inputs are true for Deploy based Strategy Alert or false for Adding Strategy Alert type
    string: StrategyShortName specify the shortname for either deploying based or Adding based
    string: StrategyFullName specify the fullname for strategy Addition
    ArrayString: LegValues specify the array containing list of Leg Values else use array.new_string(0)
ملاحظات الأخبار

  DateFormatterFx Helps you to convert the Date
    ForWhatTime: Specify the time in int format to get the date related attributes
  Returns: YYYY, YY, M, MM, MMM, MMMM, D, DD

  to retrieve the Trade related informations
    Specify: the Name of the Array against related parameters
  Returns: tuples with useful information regarding Trades taken
ملاحظات الأخبار

Minor Updates to Trade Management to show some qualitative information on Net Position. Like what's NetPosition for Today, Yesterday, Last7days, Thisweek, ThisMonth & Last3Months
ملاحظات الأخبار
Minor Bug Fixing
ملاحظات الأخبار

Trade Management Fx is now with :
1 . Added More analysis to identify what's profitability on Long Trades and Short Trades
ملاحظات الأخبار

Minor Updates for improving performance
ملاحظات الأخبار

Just another quick fix. Missed one!!
ملاحظات الأخبار

AlgoJiIntraMKTAlert(int, string, string, string, int, string, string)
    int: LineCodes - Specify the line of code you need default is 2
    string: TSym - specify the symbol name for which alert is required defualt is syminfo.tickerid
    string: EnOrEx - specify "EN" for Entry trade or "EX" for Exit trade
    string: LongOrShort - specify "L" for Long and "S" for short
    int: Qty - specify qunatitly for the trade
    string: Instrument - specify instruement type
    string: Tag - specify Strategy Tag

G_ITM(string, bool, int, bool, int, float, float)
  to calculate the ITM stike for the defined strike change
    string: source (default='c') specify either of the source value ['o','h','l','c','s'] Note: Be mindful as it may be repainted and calulation to be called on every bar
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate on the completed bars
    int: StrikeDiff (default=100) Specify the strike difference value. eg = Nifty = 50 and BNF = 100
    bool: ForCE (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate for PE option
    int: HowDeep (default=1) Specify the level.
    float: SVal (default=0) Specify the source value.
    float: CalibaratePct (default=0, min = 0 and max = 1) Specify the percentage value. eg if calibarion is set for 50% on the banknifty close price with 30030.5 ITM CE 1 deep will show 29900 how ever if close price is 30070.5 ITM CE with 1 deep will show 30000
  Returns: the strike price for the options speficied

G_OTM(string, bool, int, bool, int, float, float)
  to calculate the OTM stike for the defined strike change
    string: source (default='c') specify either of the source value ['o','h','l','c'] Note: Be mindful as it may be repainted and calulation to be called on every bar
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate on the completed bars
    int: StrikeDiff (default=100) Specify the strike difference value. eg = Nifty = 50 and BNF = 100
    bool: ForCE (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate for PE option
    int: HowDeep (default=1) Specify the level.
    float: SVal (default=0) Specify the source value.
    float: CalibaratePct (default=0, min = 0 and max = 1) Specify the percentage value. eg if calibarion is set for 50% on the banknifty close price with 30030.5 ITM CE 1 deep will show 29900 how ever if close price is 30070.5 ITM CE with 1 deep will show 30000
  Returns: the strike price for the options speficied

G_ATM(string, bool, int, float, float)
  to calculate the ATM stike for the defined strike change
    string: source (default='c') specify either of the source value ['o','h','l','c'] Note: Be mindful as it may be repainted and calulation to be called on every bar
    bool: NeedRepainting (default=true) Specify false if you need them to calculate on the completed bars
    int: StrikeDiff (default=100) Specify the strike difference value. eg = Nifty = 50 and BNF = 100
    float: SVal (default=0) Specify the source value.
    float: CalibaratePct (default=0, min = 0 and max = 1) Specify the percentage value. eg if calibarion is set for 50% on the banknifty close price with 30030.5 ITM CE 1 deep will show 29900 how ever if close price is 30070.5 ITM CE with 1 deep will show 30000
  Returns: the strike price for the options speficied

CreateJSON(Secret, Qty, BasketID, Direction, ExecuteAt, TriggerPrice, OrderType)
  to retrieve the JSON Format for DhanHQ
    Secret: is the API Secret Key
    Qty: is the Qty You want to trade with, default is 1
    BasketID: is the Basket Key ID from Dhan HQ default is "0"
    Direction: B for Buy | Long or S for Sell | Short
    ExecuteAt: MKT for MarketPrice or LMT for LimitPrice
    TriggerPrice: Used only if the Execution is at LMT
    OrderType: I for Intraday or C for Positional
ملاحظات الأخبار

AlgoJiIntraMKTAlert(string, string, string, int, string, string)
    string: TSym - specify the symbol name for which alert is required defualt is syminfo.tickerid
    string: EnOrEx - specify "EN" for Entry trade or "EX" for Exit trade
    string: LongOrShort - specify "L" for Long and "S" for short
    int: Qty - specify qunatitly for the trade
    string: Instrument - specify instruement type [EQ|FUTIDX|OPTIDX]
    string: Tag - specify Strategy Tag
ملاحظات الأخبار

Updated AlgoJi Alert to suite the requirement.
ملاحظات الأخبار

Minor Updates
ملاحظات الأخبار

  to retrieve the Trade related informations
    Specify: the Name of the Array against related parameters
  Returns: tuples with useful information regarding Trades taken
ملاحظات الأخبار

  to retrieve the Trade related informations
    Specify: the Name of the Array against related parameters
  Returns: tuples with useful information regarding Trades taken
ملاحظات الأخبار

Minor Tweaks
ملاحظات الأخبار

  to combine couple of basic Entry alert text

  to combine couple of basic Exit alert text
ملاحظات الأخبار

  to combine couple of basic Entry alert text

  to combine couple of basic Exit alert text
ملاحظات الأخبار

Minor updates.
ملاحظات الأخبار

Minor Changes to Strike Price Calculation.
ملاحظات الأخبار

Republishing with correct version.
ملاحظات الأخبار

Learning to the new Time String fx.
ملاحظات الأخبار

Added: NextLevelBotAlertJSON - Format helps you to place orders using NextLevelBOT for Finvasia & Fyers
ملاحظات الأخبار

AutoStirke Calculations Updated to support NextLevel Bot.
ملاحظات الأخبار

Added: Testing the BracketOrder Capability
ملاحظات الأخبار

  to calculate Distance between Points of Entry to the points of Either SL or Target In absoulute values
    Specify: the "IAO" Strike type acceptable values are {ITM, OTM, or ATM}, HowDeep (Strike Difference like BNF 100 and Nifty 50)
  Returns: Returns Calculated points in the string format.

IntraDayOrder(TradingAccount, Dir, bool, bool, float)
  to Concatenate Leg Strings
    TradingAccount: Specify the string name of Accout you are trading with
    Dir: refers to Diection of the Trade (Buy or Sell), Qty refers to Qty, TSym refers to Trading Symbol, Exch refers to Exchange (NSE or NFO)
    bool: MarketOrder - if set to true then creates string for Market order for Limit Order String set the param to false
    bool: MarketPricePlus - for limit orders setting this param to true will help for creating a string with sell high trade types
    float: LimitPriceBy - whats the price difference form market price can be specified here in this param
  Returns: Returns Intraday Alert String which can be used for trigerring Alert

BracketOrder(TradingAccount, SLP, LotSize, Leverage, Dir)
  to Contstruct the Alert Syntax
    TradingAccount: Specify the string name of Accout you are trading with
    SLP: & TGTP are the absolute points in string format is acceptable
    LotSize: = Lot Qty acceptable for the tradign instrument
    Leverage: = factor to contstruct string info with the Leverage information to decide on tradable qty.
    Dir: refers to Diection of the Trade (Buy or Sell), Qty refers to Qty, TSym refers to Trading Symbol, Exch refers to Exchange (NSE or NFO)
  Returns: Returns Bracket Order Alert String which can be used for trigerring Alert

CancelClose(TradingAccount, SymbolExpiry)
  to Contstruct the Alert Syntax for closing and cancelling open positions.
    TradingAccount: Specify the string name of Accout you are trading with
    SymbolExpiry: Specify the string text which can include symbol name and expirt date of symbol
  Returns: Returns Close & Cancellation Alert String

  to suffix ", " to the list of string of Array values supplied.
ملاحظات الأخبار

LegScriptContructor(Calculate, IAO, F_CE, int, float, float, BotType, C_Symbol, Exc, MOrder, MPricePlus, LMTPriceBy)
  to create String concatination which can be used for trigerring Alerts.
    Calculate: - true for calculation options strike string
    IAO: - for ITM or OTM or ATM strike Price
    F_CE: - true for for CALL and false for PUT
    int: SDiff (default=100) Specify the strike difference value. eg = Nifty = 50 and BNF = 100
    float: SVal (default=0) Specify the source value.
    float: C_Pct (default=0, min = 0 and max = 1) Specify the percentage value. eg if calibarion is set for 50% on the banknifty close price with 30030.5 ITM CE 1 deep will show 29900 how ever if close price is 30070.5 ITM CE with 1 deep will show 30000
    BotType: specify the BOT type, ALGOJI or NEXTLEVEL_BOT
    C_Symbol: specify the Basic Trading Symbol or WithExpiry_Symbol for FUTURES or OPTIONS
    Exc: specify the exchange symbol reference
    MOrder: - if set to true then creates string for Market order for Limit Order String set the param to false
    MPricePlus: - for limit orders setting this param to true will help for creating a string with sell high trade types
    LMTPriceBy: - whats the price difference form market price can be specified here in this param
  Returns: Returns Intraday Alert String which can be used for trigerring Alert

IntraDayOrder(TradingAccount, Dir, bool, bool, float)
  to Concatenate Leg Strings
    TradingAccount: Specify the string name of Accout you are trading with
    Dir: refers to Diection of the Trade (Buy or Sell), Qty refers to Qty, TSym refers to Trading Symbol, Exch refers to Exchange (NSE or NFO)
    bool: MarketOrder - if set to true then creates string for Market order for Limit Order String set the param to false
    bool: MarketPricePlus - for limit orders setting this param to true will help for creating a string with sell high trade types
    float: LimitPriceBy - whats the price difference form market price can be specified here in this param
  Returns: Returns Intraday Alert String which can be used for trigerring Alert
"ZERODHA", "BUY", 1, "NSE", "SBIN-EQ", true

  to suffix ", " to the list of string of Array values supplied.
ملاحظات الأخبار

Minor Bugs Fixed
ملاحظات الأخبار

IntraDayOrder(TradingAccount, Dir, string, bool, float, float)
  to Concatenate Leg Strings
    TradingAccount: Specify the string name of Accout you are trading with
    Dir: refers to Diection of the Trade (Buy or Sell), Qty refers to Qty, TSym refers to Trading Symbol, Exch refers to Exchange (NSE or NFO), Tkn refers to Instrument Token
    string: OType - Acceptable strings "M", "L", "SLL", "SLM", "BO"
    bool: LMT_Plus or TRG_Plus - for limit orders setting this param to true will help for creating a string with sell high or buy low trade types
    float: LimitPriceByOrSLBO - whats the price difference form market price can be specified here in this param, can also be used for specifying SL for BO order
    float: TriggerPriceByOrTGTBO - whats the price difference form market price can be specified here in this param, can also be used for specifying TGT for BO order
  Returns: Returns Intraday Alert String which can be used for trigerring Alert

LegScriptContructor(Calculate, IAO, F_CE, int, float, float, BotType, C_Symbol, Exc, MOrder, MPricePlus, LMTPriceBy)
  to create String concatination which can be used for trigerring Alerts.
    Calculate: - true for calculation options strike string
    IAO: - for ITM or OTM or ATM strike Price
    F_CE: - true for for CALL and false for PUT
    int: SDiff (default=100) Specify the strike difference value. eg = Nifty = 50 and BNF = 100
    float: SVal (default=0) Specify the source value.
    float: C_Pct (default=0, min = 0 and max = 1) Specify the percentage value. eg if calibarion is set for 50% on the banknifty close price with 30030.5 ITM CE 1 deep will show 29900 how ever if close price is 30070.5 ITM CE with 1 deep will show 30000
    BotType: specify the BOT type, ALGOJI or NEXTLEVEL_BOT
    C_Symbol: specify the Basic Trading Symbol or WithExpiry_Symbol for FUTURES or OPTIONS
    Exc: specify the exchange symbol reference
    MOrder: - if set to true then creates string for Market order for Limit Order String set the param to false
    MPricePlus: - for limit orders setting this param to true will help for creating a string with sell high trade types
    LMTPriceBy: - whats the price difference form market price can be specified here in this param
  Returns: Returns Intraday Alert String which can be used for trigerring Alert

BracketOrder(TradingAccount, SLP, LotSize, Leverage, Dir)
  to Contstruct the Alert Syntax
ملاحظات الأخبار

Minor Bug Fixed
ملاحظات الأخبار

Few General Modifications to the Script.
ملاحظات الأخبار

  to calculate Distance between Points of Entry to the points of Either SL or Target In absoulute values
    Specify: the "IAO" Strike type acceptable values are {ITM, OTM, or ATM}, HowDeep (Strike Difference like BNF 100 and Nifty 50)
  Returns: Returns Calculated points in the string format.

LegScriptContructor(Calculate, IAO, F_CE, int, float, float, BotType, C_Symbol, Exc, MOrder, MPricePlus, LMTPriceBy)
  to create String concatination which can be used for trigerring Alerts.
    Calculate: - true for calculation options strike string
    IAO: - for ITM or OTM or ATM strike Price
    F_CE: - true for for CALL and false for PUT
    int: SDiff (default=100) Specify the strike difference value. eg = Nifty = 50 and BNF = 100
    float: SVal (default=0) Specify the source value.
    float: C_Pct (default=0, min = 0 and max = 1) Specify the percentage value. eg if calibarion is set for 50% on the banknifty close price with 30030.5 ITM CE 1 deep will show 29900 how ever if close price is 30070.5 ITM CE with 1 deep will show 30000
    BotType: specify the BOT type, ALGOJI or NEXTLEVEL_BOT
    C_Symbol: specify the Basic Trading Symbol or WithExpiry_Symbol for FUTURES or OPTIONS
    Exc: specify the exchange symbol reference
    MOrder: - if set to true then creates string for Market order for Limit Order String set the param to false
    MPricePlus: - for limit orders setting this param to true will help for creating a string with sell high trade types
    LMTPriceBy: - whats the price difference form market price can be specified here in this param
  Returns: Returns Intraday Alert String which can be used for trigerring Alert
ملاحظات الأخبار
v82 Updates
ملاحظات الأخبار

CancelClose(TradingAccount, SymbolExpiry)
  to Contstruct the Alert Syntax for closing and cancelling open positions.
    TradingAccount: Specify the string name of Accout you are trading with
    SymbolExpiry: Specify the string text which can include symbol name and expirt date of symbol
  Returns: Returns Close & Cancellation Alert String
ملاحظات الأخبار

Minor Changes
ملاحظات الأخبار


  TODO: to Get Necessary Tuple Information with relavnt information for Date & Time Calculation
    x: TODO: Specify the Date String
  Returns: TODO: Get Necessary Tuple Information with relavnt information
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ملاحظات الأخبار

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ملاحظات الأخبار

ملاحظات الأخبار

ملاحظات الأخبار
Minor Changes.
ملاحظات الأخبار

CancelClose(Cancel_Close, TradingAccount, Exch_, SymbolNameAndOrExpiry, CancelType, CloseType)
  to Contstruct the Alert Syntax for closing and cancelling open positions.
    TradingAccount: Specify the string name of Accout you are trading with
  Returns: Returns Close & Cancellation Alert String
ملاحظات الأخبار

ملاحظات الأخبار

EntryAlertInfoText(TradeName, EnPrice, SL_P, TGT_P, TQTY, LTP, EntCandle)
  to combine couple of basic Entry alert text
    TradeName (string)
    EnPrice (float)
    SL_P (float)
    TGT_P (float)
    TQTY (float)
    LTP (float)
    EntCandle (int)

ExitAlertInfoText(TradeName, EnPrice, ExPrice, TPNL, TQTY, LTP, ExCandle)
  to combine couple of basic Exit alert text
    TradeName (string)
    EnPrice (float)
    ExPrice (float)
    TPNL (float)
    TQTY (float)
    LTP (float)
    ExCandle (int)

G_Pct_Chng(value1, value2, lookback)
  Gets the percentage change between 2 float values over a given lookback period
    value1 (float)
    value2 (float)
    lookback (int)

G_Indicator_Val(IndicatorName, Length, SrcVal)
  Gets Output of the technical analyis indicator which has length Parameter. RSI, ATR, EMA, SMA, HMA, WMA, VWMA, 'CMO', 'MOM', 'ROC','VWAP', "Highest", "Lowest"
    IndicatorName (string)
    Length (simple int)
    SrcVal (float)
  Returns: Value with the given parameters

G_CandleInfo(WhatCandleInfo, FibValueOfCandle, RepaintingVersion, AccountforGaps, MidVal)
  function to get Candle Informarion such as both wicksize, top wick size , bottom wick size, full candle size and body size in default points
    WhatCandleInfo (simple string)
    FibValueOfCandle (simple float)
    RepaintingVersion (bool)
    AccountforGaps (bool)
    MidVal (float)
  Returns: Returns Respective values for the candles

G_TextValOfNumber(ValueToConvert, RequiredDecimalPlaces, EndChar, BeginingChar)
  Function to return the String Value of Number with decimal precision with the prefix and suffix characters provided

G_TradableValue(ValueToConvert, NeedCustomization, RequiredDecimalPlaces)
  Function to return the Tradable Value of Number

  Function to Get size Value for text values used in Lables




Get_TradeManagementInfo(TradeNoCounter, TradedQty, TradeEntryCandle, TradeExitCandle, TradeEntryPrice, TradeExitPrice, TradeType, BuyOrProfitColor, Nutral, SellOrLossColor, EntryDateStamp, QuieryDates, LastMonthDates, CurrentMonthDates)

G_RespectingLineIndex(LineReference, LookBackPeriod, ErrorRateTicks)

CreateJSON(Secret, BasketID, TradeReferenceScript, Direction, Qty, ExecuteAt, TriggerPrice, OrderType)

DiscordBasicJSON(OnlyJoin, JoinText, MainOption, SubOption, AlternativeSource, AlternativeScriptType)

TriggerAfter(cond, _resetCond)

StrategyFx(Deploy, StrategyShortName, OnScript, TradingQty, LegValues, StrategyFullName)

NLBIntraMKTAlert(TradingAccount, legs, D1, Q1, TS1, D2, Q2, TS2, D3, Q3, TS3, D4, Q4, TS4)

NLBBracketOrder(TradingAccount, Dir, Qty, TSym, SLP, TGTP, LotSize, SymAndExp, WithClose)


BO_SLTP(IAO, HowDeep, MainSL, MainTGT)

IntraDayOrder(TradingAccount, Dir, Qty, T_Exch, TSym, Tkn, OType, LMT_Plus, LimitPriceByOrSLBO, TRG_Plus, TriggerPriceByOrTGTBO, LotSize, Leverage)

CancelClose(Cancel_Close, TradingAccount, Exch_, SymbolNameAndOrExpiry, CancelType, CloseType)

LegConstructor(ListOfTrade, BotType)

LegScriptContructor(Calculate, IAO, Deep, SDiff, F_CE, src, S_Val, C_Pct, BotType, C_Symbol, tkn, C_Dir, C_Qty, Tg, Instr, TAccount, Exc, MOrder, MPricePlus, LMTPriceBy, TPricePlus, TrgPriceBy, EnOEx, LotSize, Leverage, CalculateSL_TGT)
ملاحظات الأخبار
Minor Updates.
ملاحظات الأخبار

EntryAlertInfoText(EntryDateTime, TradeName, EnPrice, SL_P, TGT_P, TQTY, LTP, EntCandle)
  to combine couple of basic Entry alert text
    EntryDateTime (string)
    TradeName (string)
    EnPrice (float)
    SL_P (float)
    TGT_P (float)
    TQTY (float)
    LTP (float)
    EntCandle (int)

ExitAlertInfoText(ExitDateTime, TradeName, EnPrice, ExPrice, TPNL, TQTY, LTP, ExCandle)
  to combine couple of basic Exit alert text
    ExitDateTime (string)
    TradeName (string)
    EnPrice (float)
    ExPrice (float)
    TPNL (float)
    TQTY (float)
    LTP (float)
    ExCandle (int)

NumAsText(ValueToConvert, RequiredDecimalPlaces, ConversionType, EndChar, BeginingChar)
  Function to return the String Value of Number with decimal precision with the prefix and suffix characters provided
    ValueToConvert (float)
    RequiredDecimalPlaces (int)
    ConversionType (string)
    EndChar (string)
    BeginingChar (string)
  Returns: Returns Out put with formated value of Given Number for the specified deicimal values with Prefix and suffix string
ملاحظات الأخبار

EntryAlertInfoText(TradeTypeOrScriptName, TradeDirection, EnPrice, EntryDateTime, TQTY, LTP, OtherInfo)
  to combine couple of basic Entry alert text
    TradeTypeOrScriptName (string)
    TradeDirection (int)
    EnPrice (float)
    EntryDateTime (string)
    TQTY (int)
    LTP (float)
    OtherInfo (string)

ExitAlertInfoText(TradeTypeOrScriptName, TradeDirection, ExPrice, ExitDateTime, ProfitOrLossValue, TQTY, LTP, OtherInfo)
  to combine couple of basic Exit alert text
    TradeTypeOrScriptName (string)
    TradeDirection (int)
    ExPrice (float)
    ExitDateTime (string)
    ProfitOrLossValue (float)
    TQTY (int)
    LTP (float)
    OtherInfo (string)
ملاحظات الأخبار
ملاحظات الأخبار

NLB_CancelClose(CloseType, TradingAccount, Exch_, SymbolNameAndOrExpiry, CancelType)
    CloseType (string)
    TradingAccount (string)
    Exch_ (string)
    SymbolNameAndOrExpiry (string)
    CancelType (string)
ملاحظات الأخبار
ملاحظات الأخبار

ملاحظات الأخبار
ملاحظات الأخبار

ملاحظات الأخبار

Minor Changes
ملاحظات الأخبار

ملاحظات الأخبار

NLB_Cal_TradingAlert(BotType, Calculate, IAO, Deep, SDiff, F_CE, src, S_Val, C_Pct, TAccount, Exc, C_Symbol, tkn, C_Dir, C_Qty, MOrder, LMTPriceBy, TrgPriceBy, Product, Delay, LotSize, Leverage, Tg, Instr, EnOEx, CalculateSL_TGT)
    BotType (string)
    Calculate (bool)
    IAO (string)
    Deep (int)
    SDiff (int)
    F_CE (bool)
    src (string)
    S_Val (float)
    C_Pct (float)
    TAccount (string)
    Exc (string)
    C_Symbol (string)
    tkn (int)
    C_Dir (string)
    C_Qty (string)
    MOrder (string)
    LMTPriceBy (string)
    TrgPriceBy (string)
    Product (string)
    Delay (int)
    LotSize (int)
    Leverage (float)
    Tg (string)
    Instr (string)
    EnOEx (string)
    CalculateSL_TGT (bool)
ملاحظات الأخبار

ملاحظات الأخبار

NLB_CancelClose(CloseType, TradingAccount, Exch_, SymbolNameAndOrExpiry, CancelType, Product)
    CloseType (string)
    TradingAccount (string)
    Exch_ (string)
    SymbolNameAndOrExpiry (string)
    CancelType (string)
    Product (string)
ملاحظات الأخبار
Minor Tweak On formulas.
ملاحظات الأخبار
Minor Updates
ملاحظات الأخبار

NLB_CancelClose(CloseType, TradingAccount, Exch_, SymbolNameAndOrExpiry, CancelType, Product, Delay)
    CloseType (string)
    TradingAccount (string)
    Exch_ (string)
    SymbolNameAndOrExpiry (string)
    CancelType (string)
    Product (string)
    Delay (int)
ملاحظات الأخبار

ملاحظات الأخبار
Minor update.
ملاحظات الأخبار

ملاحظات الأخبار

Bugs fixed
ملاحظات الأخبار
v117 Bugs Fixed
ملاحظات الأخبار

Updated: Dhan Syntax
ملاحظات الأخبار
Minor Changes.
ملاحظات الأخبار
v120: Minor Updates
ملاحظات الأخبار
v121: Updates
ملاحظات الأخبار
NumAsText(ValueToConvert, RequiredDecimalPlaces, ConversionType, EndChar, BeginingChar)
  Function to return the String Value of Number with decimal precision with the prefix and suffix characters provided
    ValueToConvert (float)
    RequiredDecimalPlaces (float)
    ConversionType (string)
    EndChar (string)
    BeginingChar (string)
  Returns: Returns Out put with formated value of Given Number for the specified deicimal values with Prefix and suffix string
ملاحظات الأخبار
ملاحظات الأخبار
Minor Changes
ملاحظات الأخبار
ملاحظات الأخبار
Minor Updates
ملاحظات الأخبار

Print(PrintLbl, TextInput, BarIndex, Position, Condition, TxtClr, LblClr)
    PrintLbl (label)
    TextInput (string)
    BarIndex (int)
    Position (float)
    Condition (bool)
    TxtClr (color)
    LblClr (color)
ملاحظات الأخبار
Minor Updates
ملاحظات الأخبار

NLB_Cal_TradingAlert(BotType, Calculate, IAO, Deep, SDiff, F_CE, src, S_Val, C_Pct, TAccount, Exc, C_Symbol, tkn, C_Dir, C_Qty, MOrder, LMTPriceByOrSLPriceForBO, TrgPriceByOrTGTPriceForBO, TrailSLForBO, Product, Delay, LotSize, Leverage, Tg, Instr, EnOEx, CalculateSL_TGT)
  to create String concatination which can be used for trigerring Alerts.
    BotType (string): specify the BOT type, ALGOJI or NEXTLEVEL_BOT
    Calculate (bool): - true for calculation options strike string
    IAO (string): - for ITM or OTM or ATM strike Price
    Deep (int)
    SDiff (int)
    F_CE (bool): - true for for CALL and false for PUT
    src (string)
    S_Val (float)
    C_Pct (float)
    TAccount (string)
    Exc (string): specify the exchange symbol reference
    C_Symbol (string): specify the Basic Trading Symbol or WithExpiry_Symbol for FUTURES or OPTIONS
    tkn (int)
    C_Dir (string)
    C_Qty (string)
    MOrder (string): - if set to true then creates string for Market order for Limit Order String set the param to false
    LMTPriceByOrSLPriceForBO (string)
    TrgPriceByOrTGTPriceForBO (string)
    TrailSLForBO (string)
    Product (string)
    Delay (int)
    LotSize (int)
    Leverage (float)
    Tg (string)
    Instr (string)
    EnOEx (string)
    CalculateSL_TGT (bool)
  Returns: Returns Intraday Alert String which can be used for trigerring Alert
ملاحظات الأخبار
Minor Bug Fixed.
ملاحظات الأخبار
Minor Updates

إخلاء المسؤولية

لا يُقصد بالمعلومات والمنشورات أن تكون، أو تشكل، أي نصيحة مالية أو استثمارية أو تجارية أو أنواع أخرى من النصائح أو التوصيات المقدمة أو المعتمدة من TradingView. اقرأ المزيد في شروط الاستخدام.