test - Classification

By RicardoSantos
Tensor-Based Classification Experiment
This innovative script represents an experimental foray into classification techniques, specifically designed to analyze returns within a compact time frame. By leveraging tensor-based analytics, it generates a comprehensive table that visually illustrates the distribution of counts across both current and historical bars, providing valuable insights into market patterns.
The script's primary objective is to classify returns over a small window, using this information to inform trading decisions. The output table showcases a normal distribution of count values for each bar in the lookback period, allowing traders to gain a deeper understanding of market behavior and identify potential opportunities.
Key Features:
  • Experimental classification approach utilizing tensor-based analytics
  • Compact time frame analysis (small window)
  • Comprehensive table displaying return counts across current and historical bars
  • Normal distribution visualization for better insight into market patterns
  • By exploring this script, traders can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying dynamics driving market movements and develop more effective trading strategies.

نص برمجي مفتوح المصدر

قام مؤلف هذا النص البرمجي بنشره وجعله مفتوح المصدر، بحيث يمكن للمتداولين فهمه والتحقق منه، وهو الأمر الذي يدخل ضمن قيم TradingView. تحياتنا للمؤلف! يمكنك استخدامه مجانًا، ولكن إعادة استخدام هذا الرمز في المنشور يخضع لقواعد‎‎قوانين الموقع. يمكنك جعله مفضلاً لاستخدامه على الرسم البياني.

هل تريد استخدام هذا النص البرمجي على الرسم البياني؟

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