All in One


Inputs for Lines

1. Last Price - Price follows the candle. Bullish candle - price level green, Bearish candle - price level red
2. Daily Open - Today's Daily Open line. Price above Daily open line - color green, Price below Daily open line - color red
3. Previous High Low/b] - Shows Yesterday's High Low lines. (PH - Previous High, PL - Previous Low) Yesterday's Range (Pips range)
4. Daily Zone - Shows Zones calculated by 5% of Yesterday's Range. High Low zones
Color - Color option for Previous High Low, Daily Zone and Daily range

Inputs for PPL's

1. Show PPL 300 pips range - Shows Round numbers between 300 pips range. Follows price. (PPL-Perfect Price Levels .500 1.000 levels
2. Show Minor PPL - Shows round numbers between 50 pips range. Minor PPL .200 .800 levels
3. Add PPL 500 pips range/b] - Shows round numbers between 500 pips range.

Inputs for Session

Show X days Candle History - Shows X days Forex Session open close candle history. 0 shows only today's session.
1. Show Full candle history - Shows all days Session open close candle history. For Replay mode. Default is false
2. PreLondon Open candle - Arrow appears above or below candle.(PL - PreLondon 2 hours before London Open) Bullish candle - green arrow below the candle, Bearish candle - red arrow above the candle
3. London Open Close - Arrow appears above or below candle.(LO - London Open, LC - London Close) Bullish candle - green arrow below the candle, Bearish candle - red arrow above the candle
4. Newyork Open Close - Arrow appears above or below candle.(NO - Newyork Open, NC - Newyork Close) Bullish candle - green arrow below the candle, Bearish candle - red arrow above the candle
5. Daylight Saving Time shift? - Arrow shifts 1 hour.(Winter time - Oct to Mar, Summer time - Mar to Oct) Default is for summer time


1. Labels - Shows labels and prices for lines. DO price, PH and PL prices, Daily Pips range and PPL price levels
2. Lines - Shows lines and Last Session break. DO line, PH and PL lines, Daily zone lines, Last Session break and PPL lines[/i

Recommended Forex brokers -, OANDO, FXCM, Saxo and CURRENCYCOM for indicies
dailyopeninstitutionallevelslastpriceperfectpricelevelPPLprevioushighlowsessionopenSupport and Resistanceyesterdayhighyesterdaylow

نص برمجي محمي

تم نشر هذا النص البرمجي بمصدر غير مفتوح ويمكنك استخدامه بحرية. يمكنك جعله مفضلاً لاستخدامه على الرسم البياني. لا يمكنك مشاهدة أو تعديل كود المصدر الخاص به.

هل تريد استخدام هذا النص البرمجي على الرسم البياني؟

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