Investments Follower Table

🔸 Investments Follower Table is a useful tool to visualize the performance of your investments, regardless of which graph you are viewing.

🔸 By entering the name and the quantities of the stock you own, and your average purchase price, you can view the percentage changes and the profit/loss of your investments, regardless of the graph you’re viewing.

🔸 This indicator allows you to follow 4 stocks at the same time.

🔸 When you first open the indicator, you won’t see the table until you’ll fill the fields necessary to show the data.

🔸 Explanation of the menu:
- % TABLE toggle: Turns On and Off the table
- $ TABLE toggle: This function removes the column of the profit or loss in $. The percentage one will be kept.
- TICKER 1/2/3/4: It’s the part of the settings in which you put the name of the share you own.
- ONLY VALUES toggle: Reduces the table by removing the name of the ticker.
- REDUCED TABLE toggle: Removes all the rows of the table associated to the single investment, to just keep the summery of all the investments active

🔸If you turn off a toggle, but keeping some values inside the menu, the table will also consider that values in the calculation of the summery into the table. To avoid this, you just need to put in the A.P.P. and in the QTY the value “0”.

🔸If you want to reset the indicator, you just have to click “Defaults” in the bottom left corner, and then “Reset settings”.
Portfolio managementstatistics

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