The Power Trader is an indicator based around the Balance of Power Oscillator. Balance of Power is a price-based measurement that evaluates and compares the strength of buyers and sellers by assessing their respective abilities to push prices to extreme points(both extreme highs and extreme lows).

BoP values fluctuate between a maximum value of 100 and a minimum value of -100. When the BoP value is greater than 0, it indicates that buying pressure is greater than selling pressure. Conversely, negative BoP readings mean that selling pressure is greater than buying pressure.

The exponential moving average of Balance of Power values is displayed as a gray line on the chart. The upper red line represents the upper bound at which a security is considered overbought. The lower green line represents the threshold where we start to consider a security to be in an oversold state.

When the gray BoP EMA line crosses below the lower green line, it changes color to green then changes back to gray once it crosses back above that lower threshold. Similarly, the line turns red when it crosses above the upper red line.

When the EMA line is between the upper and lower bounds, it signifies that there is no significant difference between the power of buyers versus the power of sellers. The top red area indicates that the amount of buying pressure is relatively high. The lower green area means that selling pressure is abnormally high.

When the BoP line falls between the red and green areas, do not take action. When the BoP line turns green and is inside the green area, enter a long position. When the BoP line rises above the red line and into the upper red area, exit the long position.

Entry signals are displayed as vertical green lines that extend the length of the chart. Exit signals are represented by the same lines, except in red.

Users can decide the order of signals in the input option menu through the ‘allow repeat signals’ parameter. If this is set to false, the study will generate signals in the logical chronologic order of [buy, sell, buy, sell, buy, sell,….]. If it is set to true, then signals will be generated as they come, regardless of whether the last signal was its inverse. This means that it could generate sequences like this for example [buy, buy, sell, buy, sell, sell, sell,…].

Additionally, the stop and limit can also be set in the input menu through the ‘stop’ and ‘limit’ options. This input option accepts parameters of type float (ie: numbers that contain decimals).

The 'Upper Bound for BoP Values' and 'Lower Bound for BoP Values' input options gives traders the option to adjust the upper and lower thresholds for buy and sell signals. It is important to note that setting the upper bound higher or the lower bound lower will result in less frequent signals (and vice versa).

When it is time to enter a long position, an alert with the following message is sent “Power Trader - High Sell Pressure, Enter Long”.

When it is time to exit a long position, an alert with the following message is sent “Power Trader - High Buy Pressure, Exit Long”.

The Power Trader, along with all of our other invite-only scripts, can be found on our website:
balanceofmarketpowerBalance Of PowerbalanceofpowertrendbopBTCUSDexponentialmovingaveragesMoving AveragesXBTUSD

نص برمجي للمستخدمين المدعوين فقط

الوصول إلى هذا النص مقيد للمستخدمين المصرح لهم من قبل المؤلف وعادة ما يكون الدفع مطلوباً. يمكنك إضافته إلى مفضلاتك، لكن لن تتمكن من استخدامه إلا بعد طلب الإذن والحصول عليه من مؤلفه. تواصل مع ProfitProgrammers للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات، أو اتبع إرشادات المؤلف أدناه.

لا تقترح TradingView الدفع مقابل النصوص البرمجية واستخدامها حتى تثق بنسبة 100٪ في مؤلفها وتفهم كيفية عملها. في كثير من الحالات، يمكنك العثور على بديل جيد مفتوح المصدر مجانًا في نصوص مجتمع الخاصة بنا .

تعليمات المؤلف

هل تريد استخدام هذا النص البرمجي على الرسم البياني؟

تحذير: ‎‎‎يرجى القراءة‎‎ قبل طلب الوصول.

-Profit Programmers
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