
تم تحديثه
Library "Tools"
Common tools

movingAverage(maType, maSource, maLength)
  dynamically returns MA
    maType (string): ma type
    maSource (float): ma source
    maLength (simple int): ma length
  Returns: ta.{sma,rma,ema,wma,vwma,hma}
ملاحظات الأخبار

  Returns bool regarding candle[2] can be marked as BW High Fractal
    srcHigh (float): float[] Series source for high fractal marking. Default: high
  Returns: boolean

  Returns bool regarding candle[2] can be marked as BW Low Fractal
    srcLow (float): float[] Series source for low fractal marking. Default: low
  Returns: boolean

getFracMarkBW(isHighMark, isLowMark, lastHigh, lastLow, srcHigh, srcLow)
  Returns int between -2 and 2. 2: HH, 1: LH, 0: No condition met, -1: HL, -2: LL
    isHighMark (bool): bool Is candle[2] marked as high
    isLowMark (bool): bool Is candle[2] marked as low
    lastHigh (float): float Last value of high mark
    lastLow (float): float Last value of low mark
    srcHigh (float): float[] Series source for high fractal marking. Default: high
    srcLow (float): float[] Series source for low fractal marking. Default: low
  Returns: int -2, -1, 0, 1, 2

  PosInfo - Position info object
    isBuy (series bool): bool Is position buy
    entry (series float): float Entry price
    index (series int): int Entry bar index
    lastTP (series float): float Last take profit price
    lastRE (series float): float Last re-entry price

movingAverage(maType, maSource, maLength)
  Dynamically returns desired moving average type
    maType (string): string Moving average type
    maSource (float): float[] Source series for moving average
    maLength (simple int): int Length for moving average
  Returns: float[] ta.{sma,rma,ema,wma,vwma,hma}
ملاحظات الأخبار

  PosInfo - Position info object
    isBuy (series bool): bool Is position buy
    entry (series float): float Entry price
    index (series int): int Entry bar index. Default: bar_index
    lastTP (series float): float Last take profit price. Default: 0
    lastRE (series float): float Last re-entry price. Default: 0
ملاحظات الأخبار

  PosTPInfo - Position Take Profit info object
    price (float): float Take profit price
    when (int): int Take profit bar time UNIX. Default: time
    mark (float): float Take profit source mark price value. Default: na
    markWhen (int): int Take profit source mark bar time UNIX. Default: na

  PosREInfo - Position Re-Entry info object
    price (float): float Re-entry price
    when (int): int Re-entry bar time UNIX. Default: time
    mark (float): float Re-entry source mark price value. Default: na
    markWhen (int): int Re-entry source mark bar time UNIX. Default: na

  PosInfo - Position info object
    state (PosState): <PosState> Position state
    price (float): float Entry price
    when (int): int Entry bar time UNIX. Default: time
    tp (array<PosTPInfo>): PosTPInfo[] Take profit info. Default: na
    re (array<PosREInfo>): PosREInfo[] Re-entry info. Default: na
ملاحظات الأخبار

processFractals(fractals, srcHigh, srcLow)
  Returns Fractals after processing
    fractals (Fractals): Fractals container object to be used. Default: na
    srcHigh (float): float[] Series source for high fractal marking. Default: high
    srcLow (float): float[] Series source for low fractal marking. Default: low
  Returns: Fractals

  FracInfo - Fractal mark info object
    mark (series FracMark): <FracMark> Fractal mark
    price (series float): float Fractal price
    when (series int): int Fractal bar time UNIX. Default: time

  Fractals - Fractal container object
    hh (array<FracInfo>): FracInfo[] Higher high fractals
    lh (array<FracInfo>): FracInfo[] Lower high fractals
    hl (array<FracInfo>): FracInfo[] Higher low fractals
    ll (array<FracInfo>): FracInfo[] Lower low fractals
    lastHigh (series float): float Last high mark fractal value
    lastLow (series float): float Last low mark fractal value
ملاحظات الأخبار

getFracMarkBW(srcHigh, srcLow)
  Returns int between -2 and 2. 2: HH, 1: LH, 0: No condition met, -1: HL, -2: LL
    srcHigh (float): float[] Series source for high fractal marking. Default: high
    srcLow (float): float[] Series source for low fractal marking. Default: low
  Returns: array -2, -1, 0, 1, 2

  FracInfo - Fractal mark info object
    mark (series FracMark): <FracMark> Fractal mark
    price (series float): float Fractal price
    when (series int): int Fractal bar time UNIX. Default: time
    markWhen (series int): int Fractal mark bar time UNIX. Default: time

  Fractals - Fractal container object
    hh (array<FracInfo>): FracInfo[] Higher high fractals
    lh (array<FracInfo>): FracInfo[] Lower high fractals
    hl (array<FracInfo>): FracInfo[] Higher low fractals
    ll (array<FracInfo>): FracInfo[] Lower low fractals
    isHigh (series bool): bool Is current candle marked a high fractal
    isLow (series bool): bool Is current candle marked a low fractal
    isHH (series bool): bool Is current candle marked a higher high fractal
    isLH (series bool): bool Is current candle marked a lower high fractal
    isHL (series bool): bool Is current candle marked a higher low fractal
    isLL (series bool): bool Is current candle marked a lower low fractal
ملاحظات الأخبار

  FracInfo - Fractal mark info object
    mark (series FracMark): <FracMark> Fractal mark
    price (series float): float Fractal price
    when (series int): int Fractal bar time UNIX. Default: time
    markWhen (series int): int Fractal mark bar time UNIX. Default: time
    boPrice (series float): float Fractal breakout price. Default: na
    boTime (series int): int Fractal breakout bar time UNIX. Default: time
ملاحظات الأخبار

new_pos(state, price, when)
  Returns new PosInfo object
    state (series PosState): <PosState> Position state
    price (float): float Entry price
    when (int): int Entry bar time UNIX. Default: time
  Returns: PosInfo
ملاحظات الأخبار

  PosInfo - Position info object
    state (series PosState): <PosState> Position state
    price (series float): float Entry price
    when (series int): int Entry bar time UNIX. Default: time
    tp (array<PosTPInfo>): PosTPInfo[] Take profit info. Default: na
    re (array<PosREInfo>): PosREInfo[] Re-entry info. Default: na
    infoInt (map<string, int>): map<string, int> Integer holder map. Default: na
    infoFloat (map<string, float>): map<string, float> Float holder map. Default: na
ملاحظات الأخبار

Join with map tools.
ملاحظات الأخبار

  FracInfo - Fractal mark info object
    mark (series FracMark): <FracMark> Fractal mark
    price (series float): float Fractal price
    when (series int): int Fractal bar time UNIX. Default: time
    index (series int)
    markWhen (series int): int Fractal mark bar time UNIX. Default: time
    markIndex (series int)
    boPrice (series float): float Fractal breakout price. Default: na
    boTime (series int): int Fractal breakout bar time UNIX. Default: time
    boIndex (series int): int Fractal breakout bar index. Default: time
ملاحظات الأخبار

processFractals(fractals, srcHigh, srcLow, hhBoLb, llBoLb)
  Returns Fractals after processing
    fractals (Fractals): Fractals container object to be used. Default: na
    srcHigh (float): source for high fractal marking. Default: high
    srcLow (float): source for low fractal marking. Default: low
    hhBoLb (int): Higher high brakout loopback count. Default: 0
    llBoLb (int): Lower loe brakout loopback count. Default: 0
  Returns: Fractals
ملاحظات الأخبار
  • Updated to Pine v6
  • Pos related helpers moved to ToolsPos

  Info - General purpose info object
    si (map<string, int>): map<string, int> String key, integer value info holder map. Default: na
    sf (map<string, float>): map<string, float> String key, float value info holder map. Default: na
    sb (map<string, bool>): map<string, bool> String key, boolean value info holder map. Default: na
    ss (map<string, string>): map<string, string> String key, string value info holder map. Default: na
    sc (map<string, color>): map<string, colour> String key, color value info holder map. Default: na

processFractals(fractals, srcHigh, srcLow, hhBoLb, llBoLb)
  Returns Fractals after processing
    fractals (Fractals): Fractals container object to be used. Default: na
    srcHigh (float): source for high fractal marking. Default: high
    srcLow (float): source for low fractal marking. Default: low
    hhBoLb (int): Higher high brakout lookback count. Default: 0
    llBoLb (int): Lower low brakout lookback count. Default: 0
  Returns: Fractals

new_pos(state, price, when)
  Returns new PosInfo object

  PosTPInfo - Position Take Profit info object

  PosREInfo - Position Re-Entry info object

  PosInfo - Position info object
ملاحظات الأخبار

new_info(init, si, sf, sb, ss, sc)
  Returns new Info object
    init (bool): bool Initalise maps for na maps. Default: true
    si (map<string, int>): map<string, int> String key, integer value info holder map. Default: na
    sf (map<string, float>): map<string, float> String key, float value info holder map. Default: na
    sb (map<string, bool>): map<string, bool> String key, boolean value info holder map. Default: na
    ss (map<string, string>): map<string, string> String key, string value info holder map. Default: na
    sc (map<string, color>): map<string, colour> String key, color value info holder map. Default: na
  Returns: Info
ملاحظات الأخبار

    value (color)

set_info(info, key, value)
    info (Info)
    key (string)
    value (color)

new_info(init, si, sf, sb, ss, sc)
  Returns new Info object

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كمثال للقيم التي تتبناها TradingView، نشر المؤلف شيفرة باين كمكتبة مفتوحة المصدر بحيث يمكن لمبرمجي باين الآخرين من مجتمعنا استخدامه بحرية. تحياتنا للمؤلف! يمكنك استخدام هذه المكتبة بشكل خاص أو في منشورات أخرى مفتوحة المصدر، ولكن إعادة استخدام هذا الرمز في المنشور تحكمه قوانين الموقع.

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