By KobraTrading
This is a heavily modified MACD indicator that includes two different measurements, either regular, or weighted. Weighted is either EMA or KAMA dependent. I personally only use this in certain scenarios but it has proved handy for overall trend as it's slower.

This indicator also has a colorized histogram for the rising/falling of momentum, as well as arrows and crosses to indicate the "death" crosses, "golden" crosses, and falling above/below the "0-Line". 0-Line is embedded into the indicator as well, the user need not worry about drawing it on top of the indicator.
kmackmacdkobratradingMoving Average Convergence / Divergence (MACD)

نص برمجي محمي

تم نشر هذا النص البرمجي بمصدر غير مفتوح ويمكنك استخدامه بحرية. يمكنك جعله مفضلاً لاستخدامه على الرسم البياني. لا يمكنك مشاهدة أو تعديل كود المصدر الخاص به.

هل تريد استخدام هذا النص البرمجي على الرسم البياني؟

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